PDHPE IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Importance Skills Aims By :Sidra Tariq
The Importance of PDH in Primary Schools Teaching PDHPE in primary schools is important as it provides a foundation of knowledge concerning a healthy and safe lifestyle. It helps students’ skills in developing positive relationships and recognises values and responsibilities in order to make positive decisions regarding issues they face in daily life. The importance of teaching healthy eating choices promotes students to try for a healthy lifestyle.
The Importance of PE in Primary Schools The importance of teaching PE is just as important as it inspires students to get involved and interact with fellow students. Teaching PE allows the students to develop a ‘game sense’ and improve social ties amongst each other. PDHPE is a key learning area within primary school curriculum. It also involves elements of mathematics and literacy. And more importantly, it promotes teamwork.
PDHPE Skills that are Developed Communicating skills Decision making skills Interacting skills Moving skills Problem solving skills
Teaching Aims of PDHPE To improve physical, mental and emotional health To open their minds and show them the many different ways to lead a healthy life that promotes emotional, physical and social stability To develop the individual through a range of activities and learning experiences To challenge the student’s capabilities And to have fun!