Project 2014 St Oswald’s CE Primary School
Aims Improve basic skills of ‘Hard to Reach’ families in Radom, Poland and Sefton LA through a specifically designed family Information Technology programme The IT programme will be delivered in conjunction with the Higher Education Teacher Training Institutions in order to give trainee teachers early understanding of involving parents in the education process
Outcomes It is anticipated that this intervention will impact upon pupil standards and raise attainment levels across all curriculum areas whilst also giving the adults in the programme valuable employability skills In the second year of the project the intervention will be given an Action Research framework in order that the outcomes can be validated
Who? Nursery (3 and 4 year olds) Then opened it up to Reception (4 and 5 year olds)
How? Invitation letter sent out to all parents on the basis that most fulfilled criteria 9 parents attended
Commenced March 3 rd 2014, – 1.45pm for 5 consecutive weeks When?
Considerations Morning nursery children to stay in school and a have packed lunch
Questionnaire Most parents/carers indicated that they had the skills identified It was the APPS that they needed guiding towards, and how to use them with their child
Parent/Carer responses to what ICT they had at home… Laptops Printers Playstations X boxes DS Wii iPads Tablets Iphones Smart TVs Ipods Leap pads Web cameras Innotabs Blackberry
Focus on Sock Puppet…
Sound Drop…
mark making and drawing.
Next Steps Course written – need to update/refine Baseline and post-course assessment of parent skills – need to refine Inclusion of qualitative feedback? Review home tasks Consider specific means of tracking of pupil (skills? language? use?)and progress made Next course: ‘Dads and ipads’ - Where does it fit in with other courses?