Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Jones 3 rd Grade Olive B. Loss Elementary School
Tonight’s Agenda Our Daily Schedule Curriculum Homework Behavior Delaware Student Testing Program Reporting Student Progress Questions
Our Daily Schedule 8:45-9:00Homeroom 9:05-9:35Guided Reading 9:35-10:15Reading Small Groups 10:15-10:45 RtI 10:45-11:30Language Arts 11:30-12:20Math 12:20-12:50Lunch 12:55-1:40Related Arts (Days 1-5) 1:45-2:15Recess 2:15-3:10Science/Social Studies 3:10-3:25SSR 3:25-3:30Pack up and Dismissal
What is MAP? MAP – Measures of Academic Progress Achievement tests that help us know what skills and concepts in reading and mathematics your child knows and what he/she needs to learn. Delivered by computer
How does MAP work? Questions are displayed on the computer screen. The difficulty of the test will adjust based on how the question is answered. No two tests will ever be the same. It will build a test just for your child! More information to come!
Language Arts The Four Blocks Literacy Model Scott Foresman Comprehension Strategies Whole Group & Small Group Instruction Spelling Skills Decoding Strategies Handwriting Traits DSTP rubric vs. 6+1 Traits rubric Writing for a Variety of Purposes Mountain Language for Language Conventions Fluency Student Selected Reading AR
Math Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space (TERC) Investigations has been carefully designed to engage students in key mathematical content as they develop number sense, learn to visualize and describe geometric relationships, and collect and analyze real data. Students work together using a variety of concrete materials and appropriate technology, and express their mathematical thinking through talking, drawing, and writing.
–Units of Study: –Trading Stickers, Combining Coins (Addition, Subtraction and the Number System 1) –Surveys and Line Plots (Data Analysis) –Collections and Travel Stories (Addition, Subtraction and the Number System 2) –Perimeter, Angles and Area (Geometry and Measurement) –Equal Groups (Multiplication and Division) –Stories, Tables and Graphs (Patterns and Fractions) –How Many Hundreds? How Many Miles? (Addition, Subtraction and the Number System 3) –Solids and Boxes (Geometry and Measurement)
Math con’t Mountain Math/Daily Math Practice Practice traditional math skills Problem Solving Learning and applying problem solving strategies Expectations Circle the question Underline the facts needed to solve the problem Show the work in a manner that demonstrates understanding of the problem Write a correct answer in a complete sentence restating the question
Science Water Earth Materials Human Body
Social Studies Government and the roles of elected officials Economic concepts such as production, trade, resources, and supply and demand Mapping skills including: reading, identifying, and constructing various forms of maps Interpreting time lines of history Pioneer times compared to the present day.
The Related Arts Team Mrs. Bobik – Phys. Ed. Mrs. Megan Zarzycki – Library Mr. Ciccone – Computers Mrs. Martinenza – Music Miss Fentzloff – Art Mrs. Moody – Phys. Ed. 2 We are all looking forward to working with your child this year. Please visit our websites for important information about each of our individual curriculums. Related Arts are an important part of your child’s well- rounded education! If you have any questions or concerns please contact us directly by sending an , a note or phone call and leave a message.
Talent Development Wednesdays from 2:35-3:20 2 nd and 3 rd Grade will be combined for instruction The goal is to nurture students’ unique talents and abilities More information to come
Homework According to the Appoquinimink District Homework policy, the length of homework for a third grader should be between one to four assignments taking approximately minutes depending on the child. Homework Weekly Reading Log (Due Friday) Spelling Contract (Due Friday) Problem Solver (Due Friday) Other assignments as needed It’s okay to assist your child with homework but the homework is his or her responsibility.
Behavior District Code of Conduct Class Marble Jar Red Light – Green Light Weekly Update – Friday Folder W.I.S.E. OWLS
Delaware Student Testing Program The DSTP will be administered in March Students will be tested in reading and math only DSTP Informational Night will be held later in the year Scores will be released over the summer
Reporting Student Progress Agendas Weekly Progress Reports (Fridays or Mondays) Provides information on classroom citizenship Academic difficulties will be noted as needed Every six weeks, an academic update will be provided Report cards (3 times a year) Classwork and tests are used as evidence of meeting objectives (Homework cannot be used as evidence) In addition to performance levels, students will be receiving letter grades for each subject. Parent-Teacher conferences will be held in November and February to discuss progress
Grading Scale A+= A =93-96 Exceptional A-=90-92 B+ =87-89 B =83-86Very Good B- =80-82 C+ =77-79 C =73-76Satisfactory C- =70-72 D+ =67-69 D =63-66Inconsistent D- =60-62 F =59 and belowUnsatisfactory
Please remember to sign the sign-in sheet. Please sign up for your November Parent-Teacher Conference. Thank you for coming!