FRM and Silver Jackets Workshop August 23, 2012 EA/HHF Joint Venture American Samoa Athline Clark & Thomas D. Smith, P.E. US Army Corps of Engineers Honolulu District
Study goals and objectives Study process and approach Stakeholder engagement Study products and findings Final recommendations 2 Topics 2009 Tsunami Propagation Map (NOAA)
Study Goals and Objectives GOALS Improve Tsunami Resilience Build Platform for Exchange and Learning OBJECTIVES Provide Overview of Related Topics Develop Single Resource Base Compile Study and Project Recommendations Develop Implementation Plan
Tsunami Advisory Committee Membership Governor’s Authorized Representative Governor’s Economic Advisory Council ASG Department of Commerce ASG Department of Homeland Security/ Territorial Emergency Management Coordination Office (TEMCO) ASG Department of Public Works American Samoa Telecommunications Authority American Samoa Power Authority Office of Samoan Affairs American Samoa Disaster Recovery Office 4 American Samoa Legislative Branch (Senate) American Samoa Legislative Branch (House) Unified Health Command American Samoa Chamber of Commerce American Samoa Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Department of Interior Office of Insular Affairs Chairman, Governor’s Post- Tsunami Task Force
Additional Agency Input On-Island Technical Advisory Group – Federal Partners Organization National Park Service Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service, Pago Pago Weather Service Office Off- Island Technical Input– Pacific Risk Management Ohana (PRiMO) Organization Department of Homeland SecurityFederal Emergency Management Agency Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) International Tsunami Information Center (NOAA) Pacific Services Center (NOAA) University of Hawaii: Dept of Urban and Regional Planning Pacific Business Center Program Social Science Research Institute National Disaster Preparedness Training Center United States Geological Survey
Website Content Home Updates Reports Resources Links Feedback Contact Us Purpose Compendium of information Outreach and Education Venue for Public Comment Access to Study Products 6
Dual Approach Community Activities Village-based approaches and ongoing initiatives Recommendations to strengthen current initiatives ASG Activities Identify key areas for Government Agency Roles Identify coordination opportunities Government Agency Roles Village Level Initiatives 7
Research Topics 8 Core Papers 1.Governance 2.Society & Economy 3.Coastal Resource Management 4.Land Use and Structural Design 5.Risk Knowledge 6.Warning & Evacuation 7.Emergency Response 8.Disaster Recovery Additional Papers 1.Critical Infrastructure 2.Chronology 3.Case Studies 4.Geomorphology
Study Intro – General Approach Three Study Phases Phase I: Compendium of Information/ Website Phase II: Focused Research Papers Phase III: ASTS Report Six Work Elements Pre-Planning Gap Analysis Website Study Framework TAC Meetings Research Papers Report
Study Process
Feedback from TAC Workshop (1/20) Discussions on: Additional Concerns Priority Ranking Lead Agencies
Agency and Public Participation
Recommendations and Implementation Top priority criteria: Save lives Sustain resilience building efforts Boost Economy Recommendations sorted by: Priority Cost Timeframe Type Recommendations organized by core factors of resilience and criteria
Recommendations and Implementation
Withstand Land Use & Structural Design o Tsunami modeling o School and critical facility assessment for relocation or modification (EOC, hospital, schools, shelters) o Structural modification guidebook for coastal homes Utilities o Radio coverage analysis to identify areas where warning communication improvements are needed Response Capacity o Programmatic agreements to more effectively utilize available on- island resources during disaster response o Expand medical clinics in outlying areas to reduce dependence on the main hospital
Recover Economy o Consolidate existing economic plans into a comprehensive economic development strategy Health Services o Support efforts to bolster post-disaster counseling services, training and outreach on available health resources
Learn Information Management o Executive Order to sustain resilience efforts through expansion of HMC membership and responsibilities o Improve public awareness and information sharing on disaster management related documents o Development of a critical infrastructure database Emergency Planning o Support village preparedness planning and training o Provide informational bulletins for at risk villages and vulnerable populations o Develop formal policy on evacuation plan and outreach for vulnerable commercial enterprises
Conclusions 18 Study provides comprehensive overview of key considerations relevant to building coastal community resilience in American Samoa The TAC guidance was key to the success of the study Momentum for building coastal community resilience must be sustained It is hoped that the Hazard Mitigation Counsel will be expanded to assume the responsibility for implementing study recommendations Study recommendations present ways to bolster coastal community resilience within the geographic and economic constraints unique to American Samoa.
Fa’afetai! For More Information: Study Website: Athline Clark – Project Manager Tom Smith – Technical Lead 19