12/22/ Successful communication on Structural Funds Seminar on 10 November 2003, Brussels European Commission Regional Policy Workshop 2 Explaining fund accession procedures: meeting the expectations of potential beneficiaries The Commission’s point of view Wolfgang Petzold Directorate-General for Regional Policy
12/22/ Successful communication on Structural Funds Seminar on 10 November 2003, Brussels European Commission Regional Policy Who is the potential beneficiary?...is defined in regulations 1260/1999, Art. 9,18 and 1159/2000 (“potential” vs. “final”)...can vary a lot: enterprises, universities, NGO, individuals......read again Art. 2.1 of reg. 1159: “regional/local authorities,...economic and social partners,... equal opportunities/environmental organisations...”...depends on: programme, measure, action and delivery system
12/22/ Successful communication on Structural Funds Seminar on 10 November 2003, Brussels European Commission Regional Policy What can the potential beneficiary expect?...clear and structured information on application and selection procedures, general programme overview, results of the programme/projects...easy and constant access to information...”transparency of the assistance” (reg. 1159/2000)...people designated and able to inform about the intervention (Art of reg. 1159/2000)
12/22/ Successful communication on Structural Funds Seminar on 10 November 2003, Brussels European Commission Regional Policy How to inform and motivate a larger number of potential beneficiaries?...two key principles: awareness and transparency...which lead to different choices of strategies and tools...and are linked to the definition of potential beneficiaries in the programme complements and communication action plans
12/22/ Successful communication on Structural Funds Seminar on 10 November 2003, Brussels European Commission Regional Policy What means transparency in this context?...see again Art of reg. 1159/ obligation for managing authorities to inform about content, progress, management, monitoring, evaluation of the intervention...right of the beneficiaries to be informed about their applications and a selected projects
12/22/ Successful communication on Structural Funds Seminar on 10 November 2003, Brussels European Commission Regional Policy What is the added value of communication in explaining access and application procedures to the funds?...communication means “facilitating” and even simplifying application to funds...effective communication means: listen before you talk...managing authorities are not communicators by nature