SEQUENCE To place in order or to determine the order of Place in chronological sequence the list of plot elements.
SOLVE To find the answer or explanation for; clear up; explain Solve for X in the following equations.
SORT To arrange according to kind or class, to separate or take from the other sorts or from others Sort the image cards into appropriate Kingdom, Phylum, and Class groups.
USE To employ for some purpose; put into service Use a metaphor and a simile in the final draft of your narrative poem.
ACQUIRE To come into possession or ownership of; get as one’s own, to gain Acquire direct quotes from your text to use as evidence in your essay.
ARRANGE To make plans or preparations, to make a settlement; come to an agreement Arrange in list form the skills you use to participate in your favorite past time.
ASK QUESTIONS To interrogate, to inquire in order to better understand As you read the text, ask questions about the authors purpose, and their target audience.
COLLECT To gather together; assemble, to accumulate, make a collection of Collect information about the habitat of a tree frog to create a list of suggestions for a new exhibit at the zoo.
COMPUTE To determine by calculation; reckon; Compute the sum of the squares in the following equations.
CONTROL To exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command, to hold in check; curb Control the ball with your footwork to improve your soccer skills.
DEFINE To state or set forth the meaning of, to explain or identify the nature or essential qualities of; describe Define the three branches of government in the U.S.
DESIGN To prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for, especially to plan the form and structure of, to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully Design questions for a survey about students lunch time eating habits.
DISCOVER To see, get knowledge of, learn, find, or gain sight of, to notice or realize Search through the text to discover insights about the antagonists motivation.
EXPLORE To traverse or range over; to look into closely; scrutinize; examine Explore the course catalogue to enroll in classes best suited to your needs and interests.
FIND To come upon by chance; meet with; to locate, attain, or obtain by search or effort Find cells that don’t match the basic pattern to locate abnormalities.
Suggestion for an Activity: Part 1 Concept Circles (Dr. Janet Allen) Use any 5 words with each of the following three activities: Concept Circles: Look at the items in the concept circle. Write about your understanding of (vocabulary word) by highlighting the connections between and among each of the items in the concept circle. What is the significance of each one and how do the items in the concept circle fit together? Complete one Concept Circle for each of the 5 words, choose your words carefully! _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Part 2: Academic Vocabulary Cards (Dr. Janet Allen) Information from the Teacher (Definition, Context, Examples) Restate in My Own Words Additional Information from Reading, Viewing, Discussion Mnemonic to Help Me Remember (Visual, Jingle, etc.)