PET Writing Part 2 Writing Short Notes or Messages PET Writing Part 3 Writing Longer Texts.


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Presentation transcript:

PET Writing Part 2 Writing Short Notes or Messages PET Writing Part 3 Writing Longer Texts

Punctuation symbols or marks used to organise writting to make the meaning clear

Spelling writing words using the correct letters

Syntax the way words are arranged in a phrase or a sentence

Cohesion using linking words & conjunctions to join together sentences and phrases

Coherence when ideas in a text fit together clearly to help the reader understand

Paraphrasing writing something that you have read or heard using different words

Style / Register using language suitable for context: e.g. formal or less formal situations

Layout How the text is presented on a page

Summarising taking the main points of a long text, and rewriting them in a short, clear way

Drafting producing the first version of a written text

Editing changing or correcting written text to make it clearer or easier to understand

Redrafting writing a text again to include improvements and focus on accuracy

punctuation spelling syntax cohesion coherence paraphrasing style / register layout summarising drafting editing redrafting writing a text again to include improvements and focus on accuracy changing or correcting written text to make it clearer or easier to understand producing the first version of a written text taking the main points of a long text, and rewriting them in a short, clear way how the text is presented on a page using language suitable for context: e.g. formal or less formal situations writing something that you have read or heard using different words when ideas in a text fit together clearly to help the reader understand using linking words & conjunctions to join together sentences and phrases the way words are arranged in a phrase or a sentence writing words using the correct letters symbols or marks used to organise written text to make the meaning clear

writing a text again to include improvements and focus on accuracy changing or correcting written text to make it clearer or easier to understand producing the first version of a written text taking the main points of a long text, and rewriting them in a short, clear way how the text is presented on a page using language suitable for context: e.g. for for more formal or less formal situations writing something that you have read or heard using different words when ideas in a text fit together clearly & are set out logically to help the reader understand using linking words & conjunctions to join together sentences and phrases the way words are arranged in a phrase or a sentence writing words using the correct letters symbols or marks used to organise written text to make the meaning clear

12. writing a text _______ to include improvements and focus on accuracy 11. changing or correcting written text to make it clearer or easier to ____________ 7. producing the _______ version of a written text 6. taking the main points of a long text, and rewriting them ___ a short, clear way 2. how ____ text is presented on a page 4. using language suitable ____ context: e.g. for more formal or less formal situations 9. writing something that you have read ___ heard using different words 3. when ideas in a text fit __________ clearly & are set out logically to help the reader understand 8. using linking words & conjunctions to join together ___________ and phrases 5. the way words ____ arranged in a phrase or a sentence 10. writing words using the ________ letters 1. symbols or marks used ___ organise written text to make the meaning clear in / are / together / for / or / sentences / again / first / the / correct / understand / to

PET Writing Part 2 Writing Short Notes or Messages

Giving Information E.g. You can find the money under the bed. You have to leave at 5.30pm.

Explaining E.g. I need you to be on time because we have a lot to do. Don’t be late, so we can start on time.

Thanking E.g. Thanks for inviting me to the party. Thanks for agreeing to cook tomorrow.

Apologising E.g. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you tomorrow. I need to apologise because I can’t go to the party.

Offering E.g. I can help you tomorrow if you like. I’ll bring the food tomorrow.

Expressing Likes or Dislikes E.g. I really enjoyed swimming in the sea. I didn’t like the music much.

Inviting E.g. Would you like to go to the beach tomorrow? Do you want to go swimming with me tomorrow?

Suggesting E.g. How about going to the mall tomorrow? Why don’t we go to Al-Hadda?

offering apologising thanking expressing likes or dislikes suggesting explaining giving information apologising inviting Thanks for agreeing to cook tomorrow. I really enjoyed swimming in the sea. I didn’t like the music much. Would you like to go to the beach tomorrow? I need to apologise because I can’t go to the party. I’ll bring the food tomorrow. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you tomorrow. Do you want to go swimming with me tomorrow? Thanks for inviting me to the party. Why don’t we go to Al-Hadda? I can help you tomorrow if you like. How about going to the mall tomorrow? I need you to be on time because we have a lot to do. Don’t be late, so we can start on time. You can find the money under the bed. You have to leave at 5.30pm.

Thanks for agreeing to cook tomorrow. I really enjoyed swimming in the sea. I didn’t like the music much. Would you like to go to the beach tomorrow? I need to apologise because I can’t go to the party. I’ll bring the food tomorrow. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you tomorrow. Do you want to go swimming with me tomorrow? Thanks for inviting me to the party. Why don’t we go to Al-Hadda? I can help you tomorrow if you like. How about going to the mall tomorrow? I need you to be on time because we have a lot to do. Don’t be late, so we can start on time. You can find the money under the bed. You have to leave at 5.30pm.

7. Thanks for __________ to cook tomorrow. 6. I really __________ swimming in the sea. 1. I ________ like the music much. 14. _______ you like to go to the beach tomorrow? 10. I need to __________ because I can’t go to the party. 5. I’___ bring the food tomorrow. 11. I’m sorry, ____ I can’t help you tomorrow. 4. Do you want ___ go swimming with me tomorrow? 2. Thanks for __________ me to the party. 15. Why ______ we go to Al-Hadda? 3. I can help you tomorrow ___ you like. 13. How _______ going to the mall tomorrow? 12. I need you to be on time _________ we have a lot to do. 8. Don’t be late, ___ we can start on time. 16. You can _____ the money under the bed. 9. You _____ to leave at 5.30pm. inviting / so / to / becuase / but / don’t / find / about apologise / didn’t / have / would / ll / if / enjoyed / agreeing

1. offering 2. apologising 3. thanking 4. expressing likes or dislikes 5. suggesting 6. explaining 7. giving information 8. apologising 9. inviting

You need a beginning. You need to answer the 3 bullet points. You need an end.

Marking Scheme








PET Writing Part 3a Writing A Story

1 You have written about 100 words. 2 The answer is well organised. 3 There is a clear ending to the story. 4 The ideas are connected using and, because, etc. 5 You have used a range of different tenses. 6 The answer can be understood although there are some mistakes. 7 You have proofread your work, as it may help get a better mark. You should be happy if:

You need to: Include the title in the first line. Keep the content relevant to the task. Write in neutral register & keep the story style. Plan carefully so the story has a beginning, a middle and an end. Make sure the story holds the attention of the reader. Use connectives to link sentences. Use story-telling tenses accurately (Past Simple, Past Perfect & Past Continuous) Use a range of grammar and vocabulary.



PET Writing Part 3b Writing A Letter

Refer to the topic in the first line. Keep the content relevant to the task. Use the correct layout for a letter. Use informal style. Plan carefully so the letter has a beginning, a middle and an end. Make sure the letter holds the attention of the reader. Use connectives to link sentences. Use functional language accurately Use correct language for beginning and ending a letter. Use a range of grammar and vocabulary. You need to:


Advising e.g. You should go to the dentist. If I were you I would go to bed earlier.

Requesting E.g. Would you mind coming at 5pm next week? Could you bring some flowers?

Giving An Opinion E.g. It would be a good idea to arrive early. I think it would be nice if you paid.

Agreeing E.g. You’re right. That’s a good idea! I agree. We should go on Saturday.

Refusing An Invitation E.g. I’m afraid I can’t go to the party. I’m sorry, but I can’t come tomorrow.

Showing Obligation E.g. I can’t come because I have to help my mother. Unfortunately, I need to stay in and study.

agreeing advising refusing an invitation giving an opinion requesting showing obligation You’re right. That’s a good idea!. I agree. We should go on Saturday. I think it would be nice if you paid. Could you bring some flowers? I’m sorry, but I can’t come tomorrow. Would you mind coming at 5pm next week? I think it would be a good idea to go early. I’m afraid I can’t go to the party. You should go to the dentist. If I were you I would go to bed earlier. Unfortunately, I need to stay in and study. I can’t come because I have to help my mother.

You’re right. That’s a good idea!. I agree. We should go on Saturday. I think it would be nice if you paid. Could you bring some flowers? I’m sorry, but I can’t come tomorrow. Would you mind coming at 5pm next week? I think it would be a good idea to go early. I’m afraid I can’t go to the party. You should go to the dentist. If I were you I would go to bed earlier. Unfortunately, I need to stay in and study. I can’t come because I have to help my mother.

9. You’re _______. That’s a good idea!. 7. I ______. We should go on Saturday. 10. I _______ it would be nice if you paid. 5. _______ you bring some flowers? 4. I’m sorry, ____ I can’t come tomorrow. 6. Would you ______ coming at 5pm next week? 2. I think it ________ be a good idea to go early. 8. I’m ________ I can’t go to the party. 1. You ________ go to the dentist. 11. If I ______ you I would go to bed earlier. 12. Unfortunately, I need ____ stay in and study. 3. I can’t come because I ______ to help my mother. have / think / but / to / agree / could / should/ afraid / right / would / were / mind