SE 367: INTRODUCTION TO COGNITIVE SCIENCE SUBMITTED BY:- HEMANGINI PARMAR Y8214 Cross- Modal Object Recognition is Viewpoint Independent Final Project Presentation
Objects Dimensions~ (3-5)cm x 2cm x 2cm Lego bricks used Mirror images avoided Very similar objects to prevent distinctive cues
Experimental Setup 20 female participants: age group=19-21 years Random sequence for [modality,rotation] per object to avoid any pattern formation where modality={VV,VH,HV,HH} rotation={UR,X,Y,Z} Visual mode= 15 sec Haptic mode=30sec
Haptic Setup
Visual Setup
Observation Accuracy
Correlation with Spatial scores
Correlation with Object Imagery Scores
Conclusion The hypothesis that cross-modal recognition is viewpoint independent is validated The hypothesis that a higher level representation is involved in cross-modal object recognition is still unclear.
References Lacey S, Peters A, Sathian K (2007) Cross-Modal Object Recognition Is Viewpoint-Independent. PLoS ONE 2(9): e890. doi: /journal.pone Olessia Blajenkova, Maria Kozhevnikov and Michaela Motes (2006) Object-Spatial Imagery: A New Self-Report Imagery Questionnaire, Appl. Cognit. Psychol. 20: 239–263 (2006)