Table of Contents 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp2 TopicSlide Numbers Timeline & What’s New3 What’s New4 CSIP Required Diagnostics & Plans5 Archive Feature6-9 NEW – CSIP Required Goal Novice Reduction10-12 NEW – Equitable Access Diagnostic13-18 Title I Schoolwide Diagnostic19-20 Resources & Contact Information21-23
Timeline ■December 9, 2015 CSIP needs to be complete for Area Assistant Superintendents and peer review process ■December 18, ) CSIP and supporting documents need to be submitted to KDE and 2) Title I School-wide Diagnostic (Title I Schools Only) 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp3
What’s new this year for CSIP? ■All schools will complete an “Equitable Access Diagnostic” in Assist ■All CSIP plans are to include a Gap Novice Reduction Goal ■Schools should revise their goals and/or objectives based on new delivery targets ■Middle School CCR Goal in CSIP for –Due to the absence of EXPLORE data, middle school CCR goals and activities should be developed for students failing to reach the proficient or distinguished level as measured by K-PREP. 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp4
CSIP Required Diagnostics & Plans ■Executive Summary (Copy Feature Available) ■Goals & Plans (CSIP) ■KDE Needs Assessment (No Copy) ■KDE Compliance and Accountability – Schools ■KDE Assurances (No Copy) ■The Missing Piece (No Copy) ■Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement (Copy Feature Available) ■Equitable Access Diagnostic ■School Safety Report (same information provided to district in November) 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp5 NEW
Archive Feature ■Schools can now place older items into an Archive folder, which will shorten their lists ■This feature can be used on the Diagnostics and Survey Tab or on the Goals and Plans tab 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp7
Archive Feature (example) 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp8 Click on the word “Archive” next to any items you want to remove from your list Click on “Show All” to bring the item back into your list; Click on “Hide Archived” to re-hide the item
Required CSIP Goals/Objectives ■All students – All content areas ■Gap students - Need to have proficiency - Need to have Novice Reduction ■CCR for Middle and High Schools ■PGES Goal ■Instructional Resource/Textbook ■Program Review (not required, but recommended) 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp9
Novice Reduction Goal ■KDE requires, starting with the CSIP, that all CSIPs specifically targeting Novice Reduction in Reading and Mathematics ■Depending on the format of your school’s plan, here are a few options: 1)One Content Area Goal with 3 Objectives (i.e. All Proficiency, Gap Group Proficiency, Gap Novice Reduction) 2)One Gap Goal with 4 Objectives (i.e. Novice Reduction – Math, Novice Reduction – Reading, Gap Proficiency – Math, Gap Proficiency – Reading) –Schools may have additional gap objectives for other content areas 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp11
Sample Goal & Objective 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp12 GoalObjective Option 1 Increase the percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in Math to 75% by 2019 as measured by Unbridled Learning Accountability Model Collaborate to reduce the percentage of novice GAP students to 20% in Math by 05/31/2016 as measured by Unbridled Learning Accountability Model. Option 2 Meet the 2019 delivery targets for GAP students as measured by Unbridled Learning Accountability Model Collaborate to reduce the percentage of novice GAP students to 20% in Math by 05/31/2016 as measured by Unbridled Learning Accountability Model.
Equitable Access Diagnostic ■To start go to “Diagnostics & Surveys” tab ■Click “Start Diagnostic” ■Choose “Equitable Access Diagnostic” from the drop down menu ■Type a name in the “Description” line (Year, school name, and diagnostic name) ■Click the blue “Start” button 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp14
Equitable Access Diagnostic Sections There are 3 sets of narrative questions: 1 st –Needs Assessment 5 Narrative Questions 2 nd – Equitable Access Strategies 8 Narrative Questions 3 rd – Questions 1 Narrative Question 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp15
Equitable Access Diagnostic – Needs Assessment 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp16
Equitable Access Diagnostic – Equitable Access Strategies 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp17
Equitable Access Diagnostic – Questions 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp18
KDE TITLE I REPORT Note: All Title I Schools need to complete this diagnostic. If you are a Title I school and do not see this listed under the Documents on the Portfolio Tab, please contact Joe Prather – /5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp19
Title I – Schoolwide ■T his is a separate item on the Portfolio Tab that is due to KDE the same time as the Improvement Plan. ■To get started, click on the “Diagnostics & Surveys” tab, ■Click on “Start Diagnostic” (NO COPY Feature) –Select “Title I Schoolwide Diagnostic” from the drop down box (NOTE: all of JCPS Title I schools are Schoolwide, be careful not to select the Targeted Assistance Diagnostic) ■Once opened, click on the component you want to work on (in light blue) to begin answering questions ■This is a series of 10 components. Like the Compliance and Accountability piece, you will select the part in your CSIP that addresses the question being asked ■NEW: There are additional questions with narrative boxes ■NOTE: If the item is not already addressed, you will need to add a strategy/activity in the CSIP 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp20
Resources 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp21 CSIP Calendar nning/DistrictPlanningSite/CSIPPlanCalendar1415v5.pdf CSIP Rubric nning/SchoolPlanningSite/CSIPRubric1415.pdf CSIP Documents nning/DistrictPlanningSite/DistrictPlanning.htm
CSIP Work Sessions DateTimeLocation November 178:30 – 11:30Gheens November 1712:30 – 3:30Gheens November 1812:00 – 3:00Gheens Flex A 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp22
Questions 11/5/2015JCPS - DMPPE:DD:jrp23 Joe Prather Dena Dossett