Cover version or sequel? 2 Thessalonians
1 THESSALONIANS SAME CONTENT AND FORMAT 2 THESSALONIANS TONE CHANGES Paul, Silas, and Timothy Judgment and destruction coming Idlers to be admonished All should hear the letter Paul, Silas and Timothy Letter gleefully announces destruction Idlers to be denied food All should obey the letter IS PAUL RESTATING HIS OWN MATERIAL, OR DOES SOMEONE ELSE RESHAPE 1 THESSALONIANS?
Community founded by Paul, 48–51 CE Paul left community, sent 1 Thessalonians with Timothy A new crisis arises: The day of the Lord has arrived! Paul responds with a second letter from Corinth 2 Thess. 2:2 Between 50 and 53 CE If Paul Wrote 2 Thessalonians...
Community founded by Paul, 48–51 CE Paul left community, sent 1 Thessalonians with Timothy in CE After Paul’s death in 64 (ca. 80s CE) Unknown Christian writes letter from Paul Summarizes later Christian views on second coming of Christ Sends 2 Thessalonians empire-wide Alternative Scenario...
Judgment is certain Jesus, angels, flames Judgment of others soothes community suffering Coming of the “Lawless One” (2:3) Someone restrains lawless one This restraint is unique to 2 Thessalonians Problem of idleness Some believers take advantage of free meal Or rich believers don’t need to work, busybodies Christians are living at start of end times Theological Themes
Salutation and thanksgiving (1:1–4) God’s vengeance on oppressors (1:5–12) Teaching (2:1–3:5) Day of the Lord: correction of expectation Hold fast to Paul’s teaching Blessings and prayers for Thessalonians Problem of idleness (3:6–15) Follow Paul’s example of working Do not eat with idle believers Benedictions (3:16–18) Outline