POLLING Welcome Back!
TODAY’S OBJECTIVE After today’s lesson, students will be able to… Explain the main concepts we have discussed in this unit thus far Describe the benefits and problems Essential Skill Gather and organize information and data
CLASS POLL What is your fav orite Thanksgiving dish? A) Turkey B) Mashed Potatoes C) Stuffing D) Pie Does this poll contain bias?
REVIEW Working with a partner, complete the review sheet. Be thorough and answer in complete sentences! Use your notes to help in answering the questions
THE PERSUADERS As you watch the clip, answer the questions on the bottom of your review sheet. Be prepared to share your answers!
DO NOW: CHANGE THE POLL Look at the following question and think about how you could change the question (add/remove/replace words) to manipulate the response you would want. Do you think climate change is a serious problem?