Aunty Nic’s Soup Kitchen ACME Do Good Corporation March 27, 2014
Mission Aunty Nic’s Soup Kitchen is a non-profit organization that was created twenty years ago. Its overall purpose is to fight hunger. We serve locals three meals a day for no cost to them. We help those who cannot afford food to eat everyday.
About Us Our headquarters is located in New Laventern. We currently have 250 employees and 35+ volunteers daily. We have two locations so far, and we plan on having at least twenty in the later future. Our annual budget is around $200,000 a year. It is more than that if you add the donations from generous people like Nichole Rastoria, Hadrian Boofstreet, and Edmund Aster Royce.
Projects We have five projects currently going on. Project FEED (Feed Everyone Even the Desolate) The Dog Show project is coming underway. Project LOVE (Live with Only Variety Everyday) Project CARE (Care for Anonymous people Residing Everywhere) Project HOPE (Help Old People Everywhere)
Helping the Community Project FEEDDog ShowProject LOVE Project CARE Project HOPE
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