Remember: This is a quarter-long commitment, not just an hourly commitment! Make service a top priority Be of service Be present Be accountable Be flexible Recognize that change takes time
Recognize you represent Seattle University Don't use your cell phone Dress appropriately Log your hours Understand placement site procedures
Ask questions Talk with your supervisor if you are experiencing difficulties Adhere to your site's confidentiality policy Communicate to support the needs of the program Don't share clients' names in class reflections or journals
Introduce yourselfConfirm days and timesAsk about expectationsExchange contact information First Day Tips
You have been working with a seventh grade student consistently for the past few weeks. Today, as you are leaving the school, the student asks to be friends on Facebook. What do you do? PROFESSIONALISM SCENARIO
Report possible signs of abuse Use caution when traveling to and from your site Never go off-site with a clientDo not borrow or lend money Maintain boundaries Demonstrate appropriate touch Always work with clients in an open area Be aware of circumstances involving potential liability
You are volunteering at a local soup kitchen when you notice two people in line begin to argue. One gets very angry and aggressive. Staff members are preoccupied and have not noticed the ensuing conflict. What do you do? You arrive at the elementary school you have been volunteering at for the past few weeks, and the boy you have been working with rushes to greet you with a big hug. You don't want to be rude, but you know hugs aren't allowed. What do you do?
Do: Use caution and common sense Be alert, observant, and aware of your surroundings and people around you. Dress in clothes and shoes that will allow you to move quickly. Carry your keys, identification, and anything else of value on your person. Walk in the center of the sidewalk, away from building doorways, hedges, and parked cars. Don’t: Walk alone at night. Request an escort from Public Safety ( ) or have a friend escort you both ways. Carry a purse, briefcase, backpack with valuable items. Walk with your head down and wear items that will distract you from your surroundings (hood, headphones). For more tips, visit SU Public Safety’s website: What are some safety “Do’s & Don’t’s?”
What is cultural competence? Practice self- awareness Avoid labeling Strive to learn and grow with others This is an ongoing process; there is always more to learn!
Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story
How does this video relate to service-learning?
Connect Contact a partner organization Register Add your placement on eServe BG check For youth-serving organizations Douglas Building (13th & Cherry)
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