IA Tools to Inform IA Summit 2003 Madonnalisa G. Chan
Tools to Inform IA Search Engine Taxonomy XML
What is a Search Engine? Information retrieval software application that facilitates the indexing of distributed networked information.
Search Engine: Factors to Consider How soon do you need it? (time) What resources are available? (financial, hardware, & technical skills) Will this be for an intranet, file system, or internet sites? (scope) Identify requirements(business, technical, user interface). More information on factors for consideration:
Search Engine: Vendors & Industry Search Tools XML Search Industry Reports from Forrester, Gartner, and Jupiter can provide you more information about the industry and market leaders.
Search Query Logs Analysis Search can be used as an IA tool to inform the structuring and labeling of sites. Encourages a dialogue between end-users and site owners. Log analysis can help optimize the search engine and bridge the gap of content availability and user needs. More information during Rich Wiggins’ presentation at this conference.
What is a Taxonomy? Structured hierarchical information of a given subject or topic area. The theory and practice of classification.
Taxonomy: Factors to Consider How soon do you need it? (time) How many terms in it? How big is it? (scope) How will it be used at your organization? (indexing, controlled vocabulary, search/browse) How will this be implemented? (search engine, content management system, database system) What types of tools and specialists will you need at what part of the process?
Taxonomy Process Text Mining Kea Freeware: Structuring (next slide) Integration/Publishing Export and transformation capabilities into XML or XHTML.
Taxonomy: Vendor List IA Wiki Montague Institute (membership required) Search Tools Thesaurus Design Tools Web Thesaurus Compendium Willpower Information – Thesaurus Management Software XML.com:
XML Editor: Factors to Consider How large are the files? Will the XML documents represent full text or meta-information? Do you need the XML structure to be modeled to a particular database or application? Will you need the capability to create XSL or XSLT?
XML Editors Free XML tools XML Spy