TUNL Contributions in the US Nuclear Data Program Nuclear Structure Data Evaluation Program J.H. Kelley - USNDP Structure Group Leader: (6 months FTE), J. Purcell (emeritus 0.1 FTE), and G. Sheu (Adm. Assist FTE) (Kent Leung (post doc 0.5 FTE)) We are responsible for nuclear structure evaluation in the A=2-20 mass region Energy Levels of Light Nuclei reviews published in Nuclear Physics A ENSDF files for A=2-20 XUNDL from A=2-20 Web interface for A=3-20 Information This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics.
Evaluation Activities Energy Levels of Light Nuclei –Follow style of Fay Ajzenberg-Selove –Broad scope of reactions is included – discussion format. –Adopted levels/gammas, Energy Level Diagrams ENSDF –More rigorous information required –Better documentation of original sources –reaction data sets/decay data sets –Adopted levels/gammas, decay widths, etc.
Evaluation Activities TUNL assumed responsibility for producing evaluations in the nuclear mass region A=3-20 in 1993 following the retirement of Fay Ajzenberg-Selove, and we continued publications in the “Energy Levels of Light Nuclei” series. However we have not matched her pace of reviewing about three mass-chains per year at any time. Our average has been evaluation of less than mass-chain per year. With serious reflection that considers both the great value of the breadth of information provided in the “Energy Levels of Light Nuclei” publications and the NSDD/ENSDF network expected 7-10 year periodicity for reviews of a given nuclear mass-chain, the only feasible direction for our future evaluations is to focus solely on ENSDF reviews to be published in the Nuclear Data Sheets. Following publication of the review of A=12 nuclei, we will produce only the more focused ENSDF format nuclear structure data reviews for the light mass region.
Recent Evaluation Activities Work in progress: –A=12 Evaluation for “Energy Levels” –Preparing A=12 ENSDF file –Preparing NDS articles on A=2 and A=3 ENSDF datasets for 15,16,18 Be, 6,7 B, 14 F, 15 Ne, Mg Updated -n, -chx data sets – : 14 Be, 14 B, 19 N, 20 N – -n: 12 Be, 14 Be, 14 B, 15 B, 16 C, 17 N, 18 C, 18 N, 19 B, 19 N, 20 C, 20 N – -p: 9 C, 11 Be – : 9 C, 11 Be, 14 Be, 17 N, 18 N
Compilation Activities Committed to XUNDL (A=2-20) –138 sets from 116 articles since 2/2013 (5-6/month) –Organizational Workshop May at TUNL Estimate total network 0.5 FTE (perhaps a low estimate) Contributes to future ENSDF evaluations Requires input from additional network evaluators to survive New commitments from several laboratories
Other Compilation Activities Compilation of ground state decay & -decay references and data Compilation of (p,X) and ( ,X) excitation functions Compilation of thermal neutron capture references and data TUNL Dissertations- –
WWW (April 02 –present) 2014: =100. k Using Analog - finding issues with excluding new search engine "robots"
Print ready NDS manuscripts Grace Sheu has started helping out with MyENSDF and preparing print-ready ND Sheets.