Stephen Eltringham Diane Lawson Director Property HR Manager & Estate Services European Year 2010 Social Inclusion Regional Group - Access to Jobs Event
Social Inclusion & Corporate Partnerships Introduction Bernicia Group & J Sainsbury plc - social providers of basic commodities (Social housing & domestic retail needs) Our businesses function at the heart of local communities providing for and meeting the needs of tenants, customers and regional/national stakeholders Our businesses are influenced by the choices and decisions made, and the experiences of our customers when they select and utilise our products and services The strategic direction of our businesses are influenced by our Corporate Social Responsibilities.
Corporate Strategy & Social responsibility Social Housing Our vision – Making the difference Recognition of the impact that the housing environment has on aspirations, health and well being Create sustainable & thriving communities –Requires physical improvements, underpinned by; –High quality services and –Social regeneration; building community confidence, influence and aspirations Develop customer values of aspiration, ownership and pride through inclusion & involvement Encourage involvement through training, support and delivering outputs important to customers - excellent products & services Delivers wider regeneration of socially deprived areas
Corporate Strategy & Social responsibility UK Food Retailer Our vision – To provide local jobs for local people as our stores are at the heart of the communities we serve To support Long term unemployed back into workplace To help deliver A Great Place To work: –Through training and development our colleagues will gain new skills knowledge to deliver excellent customer service standards. –To support colleagues to gain nationally recognised qualification relevant to the sector To provide a great place to shine through colleague aspirations and recognising colleagues future succession
Corporate Strategy Pre-apprentices/trainees & Strategic fit Follows 2 strategic routes: 1.Wider physical and social regeneration of local areas Physical improvements in homes and neighbourhoods Social inclusion and resident/customer involvement Sustainable communities and neighbourhoods 2.Business/service delivery Staff investment Succession planning Customer excellence
Benefits of the pre-apprentice/training programme 1.Social considerations (background) Majority of trainees live on our estates and within catchment areas Possess local knowledge/aware of social issues in local environment Live in families with long-term culture of worklessness/social deprivation Low personal esteem/aspirations/education 2.Strategic outcomes (social impact/inclusion) Insight into local issues to shape and deliver services Breaks cycle of worklessness, develops attitude of pride in delivery of services to local people/area and desire to protect domestic environment (home & estate) Raises aspirations, begins cultural change (long-term generational benefits –breaks cycle of family unemployment) Positive attitude (self perpetuating) with immediate social circle generating perceptions of social improvement and sustainability Re-educates and trains – provides key social, academic and technical skills Micro level economic benefit to local area (salaries earned in local areas typically stay within the local economic area)
Benefits of the pre-apprentice/training programme 3.Strategic outcomes (service delivery) Positive form of recruitment – allows both parties to test attitude and aptitude for service/industry requirements Unsuccessful candidates can refocus attention to other industries/training avenues Continuation of business skills and employment succession Local trainees delivering to local people – often on the estates where they live Local knowledge channelled correctly benefits delivery of services and products Greater pride in service delivery to local people Business can shape trainees to deliver excellent services to their own environment
Benefits of the pre-apprentice/training programme 3.Strategic outcomes (Service delivery cont’) Enhanced reputational image within the community increasing the customer base and volume of sales. Colleagues recruited through this process feel valued, are happy, have increased self confidence and motivation leading to: -organisational commitment -increased sales/sustainability through customer satisfaction -reduced staff turnover and recruitment costs.
Corporate & Social outcome: Improve social, physical, environmental and economic regeneration and well being of our communities Social regeneration helps to protect investment made in the physical fabric of estates Employment of local people helps to change aspirations in their own local communities Organic business growth – investment in local people to change their environment via the delivery of services from a local company Effective succession planning to sustain employment and service provision Customer retention, reputational development, sustained/increased sales Economic benefit to local business and services Conclusion