\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 1 Telecommunications Group, Where are we Going?
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 2 History Minimal leadership for almost a year Moving from BSD to SCS –Promote/enable integration of telecommunications, computing and computer networks Responsibilities: –PBX, voice mail, –cellular phone, pagers, radio –phone cabling –room video, –emergency communications
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 3 Issues Excellent set of Web pages –But who is keeping current, who is responsible? Well organized set of ATOMs Lot of manual procedures, with some automation
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 4 Challenges Move off VM –Phone exec etc., Detailed reports, CDR Data base integrity –understand what is where & how accurate, does it need improvement, can/should it be integrated, what is cost? Cabling –running out, how well do we know where we are? State of DNs & TNs –will we run out, if so when, what can we do to delay –what do we need to present a case for expansion?
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 5 Integration - General Need to decide quickly how best to integrate & position SLAC telecommunications for the future Meet new challenges –integration of computers & telephony –Internet explosion –faster development cycles Leverage existing infrastructure, avoid unnecessary overlaps, use synergy & partner with SCS
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 6 Integration (Part 1) Room video (Art Bray) integrate with applications group –Dennis Wisinski, Web, collaboration tools, conferencing, packet video –Investigate integrate scheduling with help desk Radio (David Price) integrate with SCS NetOps –Sandra looks after pagers –Investigate integrating operational aspects of other wireless communications with NetOps
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 7 Integration (Part 2) SCS has an existing infrastructure with tools & resources that can assist telecommunications, e.g. –administration : time sheets, budgets, requistions, billing, reconciliation, contracts –cabling both groups use twisted pairs, common conduits, have cable databases, installs overlap at times –monitoring., e.g. CDR records (developed by NetDev & Systems) –databases (STAdata, BinList, CANDO, Visionael) –pagers & Telalert (NetDev) –desktop and packet (Internet) video
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 8 Integration - Purpose Strengthens telecommunications, –adds critical mass, –more resources to draw upon, –shorter administrative path to resources –greater agility Integrates with an area that is critical to telecommunications future
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 9 Next Steps - What needs to happen Make sure we have identified all responsibilities –Critical to ensure that all responsibilities covered as reorganize –Need a smooth transition Understand critical issues and make sure they have tasks to address with people responsible for each task –look at streamlining procedures to free up people for new opportunities/responsibilities –understand budgetting
\\pcbackup\users\cottrell\plan\tc- directions.ppt 10 Next Steps - How to make it happen Create a Goals/task list with responsibilities & resources to address –Each person focus on their responsibilities Ensure responsibilities are identified Make sure ongoing responsibilities have name & FTE Identify tasks need to address issues with names associated with each task Draft created, please carefully review Feedback to me before COB Tuesday 11th November