Key Club Origins Key Club was started by two Kiwanians who were administrators at Sacramento High School. The club originated as a leadership-based club for the “key boys,” in the school in Female students were later admitted into the club in 1977.
Key Club Mission and Vision Vision: We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. Mission: An international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership.
Key Club Core Values Caring Character Building Inclusiveness Leadership
Key Club is reaching out More than 5,000 clubs Over 270,000 members 36 countries Over 13.5 million hours of service each year
Student-led organization Key Club members decide how: Club will function The budget will be administered Issues will be addressed From the club to the International Board, young men and women are leading their organization.
K E Y C L U B structure
Key Club Structure Members Club board of directors Clubs Divisions 34 Districts District boards International Council: Board and Governors International Board of trustees
Club board of directors Includes officers and class directors. Meet outside of club meeting. Administration and planning of club. Business of club. Club meeting should focus on education and service.
Who is on the district board? Governor Lieutenant Governor for each division Secretary Treasurer Bulletin Editor Webmaster Additional committee chairs as needed
What do Lt. Governors do? Serve as direct links to clubs. Provide mentoring, education and knowledge of service opportunities. Hold divisional council meetings. Provide training for club officers and personal development. Coordinate District Conference.
What does the Executive Board do? Serves as the link between International and the district Trains other district officers Appoints committees Maintains club records for the district Monitors finances for the district
International Board of Trustees Represent all members. Define policies and have administrative authority. Research and determine service opportunities and partnerships. Develop and select member resources.
Key Club International dues International Dues: $7.00
Club mailings Member communication & administration Leadership development resources Major Emphasis materials Materials about service partners International Conference planning and promotion Key Club Magazine International Dues support
District dues $4.50 This supports: District Board Expenses General Administration Florida Opportunity Funds Key Club Florida District Dues
K E Y C L U B global service
what is the Key Club Major Emphasis? The Major Emphasis brings together all Key Club members to focus energies on making an international impact benefiting children. Any service project that serves children is contributing to this focus.
Key Club’s preferred charities UNICEF March of Dimes Children’s Miracle Network
Key Club’s vision partner Nickelodeon
UNICEF & Eliminate Fundraising and education will benefit Kiwanis’ The Eliminate Project and help protect the connection between mother and child by eradicating maternal-neonatal tetanus (MNT).
March of Dimes Mission is to improve the health of babies. Key Club members raised over US$100,000 last year: March for Babies and other fundraising.
Children’s Miracle Network Network of hospitals providing healthcare for children whose parents aren’t able to pay. Dance marathon, telethons, trauma dolls, serving meals at the Ronald McDonald House.
Hands on service focusing on children. Can change every two years. Determined by community and global needs. Allows clubs of all sizes and from any country to participate. what is the Key Club Service Initiative?
Support to Clubs International office staff District office staff District volunteers: district administrators, assistant administrators, zone/division advisors. Club volunteers: Kiwanis advisor, faculty advisor, sponsoring Kiwanis club.
Developing leaders through service since KEY CLUB