The GEOS-5 AOGCM List of co-authors Yury Vikhliaev Max Suarez Michele Rienecker Jelena Marshak, Bin Zhao, Robin Kovack, Yehui Chang, Jossy Jacob, Larry Takacs, Andrea Molod, Siegfried Schubert
NASA Global Modeling Initiative chemistry NOAA/GFDL dynamics DOE/LANL sea ice model GSFC/GOCART/Aerosols 2 GEOS-5 Model for CMIP5 GMAO physics GMAO Land surface NOAA/GFDL ocean For time-slice chemistry- climate simulations IPCC aerosol and trace gas concentrations
Ocean Model on OGCM Grid Air-sea Interface Component On Exchange grid Atmospheric Model on AGCM Grid (GEOS-5) Atmospheric Model on AGCM Grid (GEOS-5) Ocean Dynamics and Transport (MOM4) Ocean Dynamics and Transport (MOM4) Diurnal Layer (Price) Diurnal Layer (Price) Surface Wind, Air Temperature, Specific Humidity, other atmos constituents Momentum, Heat, Moisture fluxes, Gas Exchanges Mixed Layer Currents, Temperature, Salinity, etc Momentum, Heat, Fresh Water, and Salt Fluxes Gas Exchanges Sea Ice Thermodynamics (CICE) Sea Ice Thermodynamics (CICE) Sea Ice Dynamics (CICE) Sea Ice Dynamics (CICE) All air-sea exchanges are implicit in time Ocean Radiation (NOMB) Ocean Radiation (NOMB) Ocean Biology (NOMB) Ocean Biology (NOMB) GEOS-5 AOGCM Coupling Configuration
GEOS-5 AGCM Component 2 0 resolution with 72 vertical levels up to 0.01hPa Finite volume dynamic core (lat-lon version) Physics Chou Radiation: shortwave, long wave Turbulent mixing: vertical diffusion, PBL parametrization, GWD. LSM: Catchment (Koster) Moist: RAS convection, Bacmeister moist physics Prescribed aerosols and ozone
Ocean MOM4 B-grid, tripolar, Z-coordinate Two configurations 1° (0.5° equatorial refinement) x 50 levels 0.5° (0.25° equatorial refinement) x 40 levels KPP vertical mixing Isoneutral horizontal mixing Anisotropic horizontal viscosity Sea ice: CICE (LANL)
Target Projects for GEOS-5 AOGCM ODAS (weakly coupled assimilation) CMIP-5 Decadal climate simulations Seasonal climate predictions
Validation Run AGCM 144x91x72 OGCM 360x200x50 ~100 years Initial conditions: Levitus T and S, steady state ocean; atmospheric state from uncoupled experiment.
Zonal Mean Temperature CoupledUncoupled
TOA Radiation CoupledUncoupled
300mb Eddy Height CoupledUncoupled
Sea Level Pressure CoupledUncoupled
Total Precipitation
SST Bias
SSS Bias
Zonal Mean Temperature
Zonal Mean Salinity
Equatorial Pacific SST
Equatorial Pacific SST Annual Cycle
Equatorial Pacific Zonal Wind Stress
Equatorial Pacific Taux Annual Cycle
Equatorial Pacific T,S
Equatorial Undercurrent
Equatorial Surface Currents
Equatorial Pacific T GEOS5 TAO
Equatorial Pacific U GEOS5 ADCP
Sea Ice Fraction, DJF
Sea Ice Fraction, JJA
Variability MJO (daily precipitation) – get Wheeler-Kiladis diagram from Yehui Chang ENSO (nino3 ts, map (variance)) PDO? (compare to HADSST) NAO?
Leading Mode of Global SST GEOS5HadlSST
Leading Mode of Global SST GEOS5HadlSST
ENSO Teleconnections CoupledUncoupled
Results of Replaying AOGCM to Scout Reanalysis ( ) GODAS SODA Replay 35 °C
GMAO will contribute decadal prediction runs GEOS-5 AOGCM: Initialized using weakly coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation based on MERRA Includes aerosol direct effects 10-year, five-member ensemble predictions with 1º AGCM, 1/2º OGCM 30-year, five-member ensemble predictions with 2º AGCM, 1/2º OGCM 20 th Century simulations with 2º AGCM, 1/2º OGCM, include a 10-member ensemble of free-running model and a MERRA-constrained run Additional simulations with GEOS-CCM will include atmospheric chemistry- climate interactions Simulations distributed through NCCS Earth System Grid node. NASA GMAO Decadal Prediction Runs
37 T300T300 Anomaly 70S – 70N 30N – 70N Updated diagnostics - Upper ocean Average T in upper 300m Updated diagnostics - Upper ocean Average T in upper 300m Legend 30S – 30N 70S – 30S For CMIP5 forecasts will use anomaly assimilation to reduce the impacts of climate drift – still testing the initialization.