Rain forest Macey, Jadd, Gavin, Tyler
Description of Rain Forest There are three main levels they are the ground layer, the under story, and the canopy there are 4 layers. One of the biggest trees are in the rain forest. You breathe the oxygen form the rain forest.
Geographical Location It is by the equator. 25% of the world’s tropical rain forest is in South America.
Animals in our habitat Boa snakeLeafcutter ant, poison dart frog, toucan, parrot, three toed sloth, tapir, scarlet macaw,
Endangered Animals Scarlet macaw, jaguars, hyacinth, golden Lion tamarins
Plants in the Rainforest Bromeliad plant, Neoiegella, hibcus, Pachystacays, coral bean
Other Interesting Facts The Canopy can grow to 60 to 90 feet. The canopy is home to 90% of the organisms found in the rain forest.
Our Resources Net tracker kidscorner\endangered- animals\endangeredanimals-1.htm Life in the Rainforest by Melvin Berger Tropical Rain Forest