Ohio Update Kenneth Daily, LNHA
District News CEUs for today’s program is 2.0 hours Next meeting September Where is LTC Heading??? - Kenn Daily October Medicare PPS and Hot Topics In Therapy – Kim Saylor
OHCA Events Aging Services Summit August Fall Conference September 17-18
Golf Outing Annual Golf Outing Pipestone Golf Club August 27th Shotgun 9AM
Ohio State Budget Now that the budget has been approved there are a lot issues remaining Rebasing will occur in FY 2017 but what year will ODM pick to use? The Governor veto RUGs 48 in budget so will they use RUGs 66? New Quality Measures
Rebasing? Rebasing is the process of taking more recent cost data and recalculating prices for the various rate components Includes updated inflation factors and, for the direct care price, updated case mix scores Rebasing with Administration’s changes = $84 million in SFY 2017 PA1/PA2 reduction = $23.5 million Stated net increase to SNFs = $61 million
Key Rebasing Issues Which cost report year will be used? Which grouper will be used for the direct care prices and individual facility rates? Which bed numbers will be used to calculate occupancy percentages?
Grouper CMS designed 48 group model for Medicaid, 66 group model for Medicare (66 group model focuses on higher levels of therapy not needed or used by Medicaid patients) HB 64 as passed by the legislature required change from current RUG III 44 group model to RUG IV 48 group model BUT …Governor vetoed Estimated difference between 48 and 66 group models = $40.9 million
Licensed vs. Certified Statute prescribes imputed occupancy factors to be used in price calculations for ancillary/support, capital, and taxes Occupancy not defined, but ODM historically interpreted as occupancy of Medicaid certified beds There are about 2,000 more licensed than certified beds, so the impact of dividing by the larger number ~ $47 million
Revised Quality Incentives Current (second generation) quality payment system goes away after SFY 2016 (Impacts FY 2017 rate) HB 64 adds $16.44 to rebased rate for each facility without regard to quality measures Funded by a deduction from each center’s rebased rate ($1.79 per day) This money goes into a pool (~$30 million) that will be redistributed into centers’ rates at the beginning of the fiscal year Redistribution is based on number of quality measures met
New Measures Pressure ulcers Combination of a nursing facility's short-stay residents had new or worsened pressure ulcers and the target percentage of long-stay residents at high risk for pressure ulcers had pressure ulcers Antipsychotics Combination of a nursing facility's short-stay residents newly received an antipsychotic medication and of the nursing facility's long-stay residents received an antipsychotic medication
New Measures Potentially preventable admissions (PPAs) PPAs = patients who are admitted from a SNF and classified by the hospital into one of a specified set of DRGs. Calculation is complex and based on hospital claims analyzed using proprietary software from 3M and will be based expected rate derived through patient level risk adjustment Per ODM, statewide PPA rate in 2013 = 10.3% (2014 rate = 7.8%, but data incomplete because of MyCare)
Employee Retention “The nursing facility's employee retention rate is at least the target rate” Data source will be the Medicaid cost report And should be based on the same method as previous system Previous system set the threshold at 75% Forty seven percent of centers met for SFY 2016 Data from ODM (2014 cost reports): 75 th percentile 81.1%
P references for E veryday L iving I nventory (PELI) “The nursing facility utilized the nursing home version of the preferences for everyday living inventory for all of its residents” It is a process measure: use of PELI required, not specific outcome Must be used for all residents
Future? We know all the quality money will be distributed We don’t know how much each center will get: higher thresholds mean fewer SNFs will receive quality payments, lower thresholds mean more will receive payments Key decisions such a which cost report, grouper and quality incentive thresholds will be decided