Welcome to Grade 2 This year Connaught Street School’s homework focus will be reading.
Curriculum Literacy Daily Five Writer’s Workshop Guided Reading Word Work
Curriculum Math Activity based learning Games Manipulatives Math Makes Sense Basic addition and subtraction facts to 18
Curriculum You and Your World French Cultural Experience Physical Education Music Art
Class Expectations Hands Off – Feet Off Use an indoor voice Respect yourself and others at all times
Homework This year Connaught Street School’s homework focus will be on reading. In our classroom children will choose reading material from our class library at their reading level. Please help your child to remember to return their book each day, either to exchange for a new one or to read during the day. Thank you for promoting and developing your child’s life long love of reading.
School Hours 8:20 Bell to enter the school 8:30 Classes begin 10:00 Snack 10:15 Recess 10:30 Classes begin 12:00 Lunch 12:15 Outside play 12:45 Classes begin 2:00 Dismissal
Message Bags The children will bring any notes, forms or general information in their plastic bags. This bag will also be used for carrying their daily reading book.
Library Our library day is Tuesday. The children may choose two books each week provided that they have returned them. Please help them to remember. One book is at their reading level and the second is of their own choice.
Class Info 1.If your child is absent please call the school as we have a safe arrival program. Children are expected to be here for the 8:20 bell so that they may be prepared for the day. 2.If your child is away from school please send a note regarding their absence. If there are any changes in your child’s daily schedule please send a note as to who will be picking them up. 3.Book orders are usually sent on a monthly basis. I will send a not that highlights good literature choices or authors that we will look at throughout the year. 4.Throughout the year I receive many offers for books or magazines that you may order for your home. Please return the forms even if you are not interested in ordering them. Most companies offer rewards for our classrooms with YES or NO responses.
Class Info 5.I would ask that you refrain from sending pop or glass bottles in your child’s lunch as our school is promoting healthy choices. 6.Children may keep a water bottle on their desk if they choose. 7.Our class has gym each Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with Mr. Mombourquette and Mr. King. Sneakers need to be worn. 8.Our class has Music on Wednesday and Friday with Mrs. Hoyt. 9.Please label your children’s coats and boots.
Thank you for joining us