Lambing: The Birth Of Twins Anderson Valley Agriculture Department February 26, 2000
The First Lamb Our Suffolk ewe gave birth to twins. This is the first lamb to be born. She is licking it clean.
The lamb is yellow because of the amniotic fluid.
Lamb Number Two The next lamb is about to be born. The water sack is hard to see, but it is showing.
The Wait for the New Lamb You can see the new lamb’s head. The other lamb is waiting for the new lamb to come out.
The ewe is straining while the lamb is being born. Part of the new lamb’s body is showing.
You can see the lamb’s whole body is almost out. The other baby lamb is being licked.
Now the two lambs are born. They are ewe lambs.
The ewe is starting to lick the new lamb.
And licking.
The lamb is trying to stand.
The ewe lamb is looking for her first drink of colostrum.
This lamb is still resting.
Now she is standing. The afterbirth is being expelled.
Both lambs are standing and ready to find the ewe’s udder.
They have both nursed and are resting. Being born is tiring.