Can you help me Find My Baby?
A mother horse gallops with her…
A mother cow gives milk to her…
A mother hen looks for worms for her…
The mother dog plays fetch with her…
A mother cat catches a mouse for her…
A mother shark swims with her…
A mother snake slithers across the grass looking for her…
A mother eagle soars above the nest protecting her…
The mother duck swims with her…. The mother duck swims with her….
The mother goat nibbles grass with her…
The mother pig rolls in the mud with her…
The mother sheep bleats for her her…. The mother sheep bleats for her her….
A mother bear looks for her…
As a baby, a frog is called a….
As a baby, a butterfly is called a….
The mother kangaroo carries her baby her in pouch…
The mother penguin waddles with her…
A mother zebra grazes in the grass with her…
The mother rabbit hops around with her…
The mother elephant sprays her baby with its trunk… The mother elephant sprays her baby with its trunk…
A mother alligator protects her…
A mother lion looks for food for her…
A mother cheetah chases prey for her…
A mother deer looks out for her…
A mother hippo lays in the water with her…
A mother giraffe gets leaves from tall trees for her…
A mother koala bear climbs a tree with her…
A mother owl comes out at night with her…
What does your mother call you?