Forensic Science Christie Osorio
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Forensic Science The application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system which can include both criminal and civil cases. The application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system which can include both criminal and civil cases.
Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department One of the only police departments in NC to have their own crime lab One of the only police departments in NC to have their own crime lab Most departments have to rely on the SBI Most departments have to rely on the SBI Creates a backlog of cases Creates a backlog of cases Crimes are generally not solved in a short period of time Crimes are generally not solved in a short period of time
CMPD Forensic Crime Lab Chemistry Section Chemistry Section Firearms Examination Section Firearms Examination Section Microanalysis/ DNA Section Microanalysis/ DNA Section Fingerprint Identification Section Fingerprint Identification Section Question Documents Section Question Documents Section
How does forensic science help the police department?
CMPD CSI Civilian Position / $30,000 yearly Civilian Position / $30,000 yearly Need college education Need college education Learn on the job Learn on the job Job is to locate, identify and preserve and package any physical evidence Job is to locate, identify and preserve and package any physical evidence Photography, sketches and diagrams Photography, sketches and diagrams Testify in court Testify in court
Types of Calls Homicide & serious assaults Homicide & serious assaults Suicide & unintended deaths Suicide & unintended deaths Home break-ins and burglaries Home break-ins and burglaries Robberies and sexual assaults Robberies and sexual assaults Domestic violence, child abuse, & elder abuse Domestic violence, child abuse, & elder abuse Mass disasters Mass disasters
Detective's Job CSI works under a detective or a patrol officer’s direction CSI works under a detective or a patrol officer’s direction Decide what is to be sent to the lab and what is to be analyzed Decide what is to be sent to the lab and what is to be analyzed Forensic science is one piece of the puzzle Forensic science is one piece of the puzzle Combine with interviews, confessions, and eye- witness identifications to solve crimes Combine with interviews, confessions, and eye- witness identifications to solve crimes
Make the Case Generally Forensic Science is used to make a solid case in Mecklenburg County Generally Forensic Science is used to make a solid case in Mecklenburg County Detectives identify a suspect and forensic science confirms or exonerates him or her Detectives identify a suspect and forensic science confirms or exonerates him or her
Break the Case The only time forensic science gives a name out of thin air is in a case involving DNA, fingerprints, or firearms examinations The only time forensic science gives a name out of thin air is in a case involving DNA, fingerprints, or firearms examinations We may have no idea who committed a crime, but if this evidence is put into CODIS, AFIS, or IBIS-it can tell us who likely committed a crime We may have no idea who committed a crime, but if this evidence is put into CODIS, AFIS, or IBIS-it can tell us who likely committed a crime
CODIS Combined DNA Index System Combined DNA Index System DNA began to be used in the 1980s DNA began to be used in the 1980s Based on finding genetic markers of a crime scene sample that matches a standard from a suspect Based on finding genetic markers of a crime scene sample that matches a standard from a suspect Uses old evidence to clear cases that would have never been solved otherwise Uses old evidence to clear cases that would have never been solved otherwise DNA is still only one small piece of the puzzle DNA is still only one small piece of the puzzle
AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System Automated Fingerprint Identification System No 2 fingerprints are the same-DNA not true No 2 fingerprints are the same-DNA not true Fingerprints are made up of a series of arches, loops, and whorls Fingerprints are made up of a series of arches, loops, and whorls Forms 6 months before we are born Forms 6 months before we are born Never change except for scars Never change except for scars Quality prints can be put into AFIS and can produce a name of a suspect Quality prints can be put into AFIS and can produce a name of a suspect
AFIS System
IBIS Intergrated Ballistics Identification System Intergrated Ballistics Identification System Firearms examination is less of an exact science Firearms examination is less of an exact science When a bullet is fired, all kinds of markings appear on the shell casing and projectile When a bullet is fired, all kinds of markings appear on the shell casing and projectile Lands, grooves, striations Lands, grooves, striations Pictures of markings are put into the IBIS system and matched with other bullets from the same gun Pictures of markings are put into the IBIS system and matched with other bullets from the same gun
Autopsies Have nothing to do with the crime lab Have nothing to do with the crime lab Mecklenburg County Medical Examiner’s Office Mecklenburg County Medical Examiner’s Office 3 forensic pathologists in Mecklenburg county 3 forensic pathologists in Mecklenburg county Handle autopsies in Mecklenburg and the surrounding counties Handle autopsies in Mecklenburg and the surrounding counties Some smaller counties use coroners with no medical experience at all Some smaller counties use coroners with no medical experience at all
Medical Examiners Ultimately decides the cause of death Ultimately decides the cause of death Open body, probe the wounds, recover the bullets Open body, probe the wounds, recover the bullets Sometimes can tell what kind of knife was used Sometimes can tell what kind of knife was used No one can touch the body without the medical examiner’s permission until after the autopsy is done No one can touch the body without the medical examiner’s permission until after the autopsy is done
Livor Mortis Settling of blood in the lower portion of the body Settling of blood in the lower portion of the body Purplish-red discoloration of the skin Purplish-red discoloration of the skin Does not occur in areas where the body is in contact with other objects Does not occur in areas where the body is in contact with other objects Medical personal can use livor mortis as indication not to start CPR or to stop if it is in progress Medical personal can use livor mortis as indication not to start CPR or to stop if it is in progress Can be used to tell if the body has been moved Can be used to tell if the body has been moved Starts 20 min- 3 hrs after death Starts 20 min- 3 hrs after death
Livor Mortis
Rigor Mortis Stiffening of the body Stiffening of the body Helps to determine time of death Helps to determine time of death Begins to set in 3-4 hrs after death Begins to set in 3-4 hrs after death Full rigor at 12 hrs. Full rigor at 12 hrs. Relaxes again at 36 hrs. Relaxes again at 36 hrs.
Rigor Mortis
Medical Personnel How can they help? Person/body is a crime scene Person/body is a crime scene Medical personnel are usually the first ones to talk to the victim and sometimes the last Medical personnel are usually the first ones to talk to the victim and sometimes the last Listen and make notes of what your patient says Listen and make notes of what your patient says Domestic violence & child abuse cases Domestic violence & child abuse cases Projectiles sometimes fall out of the victim’s clothing Projectiles sometimes fall out of the victim’s clothing Try not to cut through any holes made by the bullet in the clothing Try not to cut through any holes made by the bullet in the clothing Traffic accident victims may have glass or paint chips in their clothing Traffic accident victims may have glass or paint chips in their clothing Don’t let the clothing get thrown away Don’t let the clothing get thrown away
Hands Bagged for GSR
Stab Wounds
Gun Shot Wound
Defensive Wounds