Tri-Valley High School Daily Announcements Today’s Date: Tuesday, October 20th, 2015.
Ruriteen Ruriteen still needs volunteers for Nightmare in Nashport this weekend. This is an easy way to get service hours and raise money to donate to the community. See Ms. Verhoff in N-4 to sign up and get more information. Ruiteen will be having their October meeting after school on Wednesday in Ms. Verhoff’s room (N-4). Come to vote on which organizations will be receiving the money raised from volleyball concessions.
Yearbook The yearbook is in need of fall sports pictures. They have very few.
Jostens Jostens will be back tomorrow, Wednesday, Oct 21 to take ring and cap and gown orders again.
Drama Club There will be a Drama Club meeting TODAY, October 20th, in room T10 at 2:25. Don’t forget to bring your money for Sound of Music. Anyone is welcome!
Junior Class Officers President: Sammy Engle Vice President: Emma Palko Treasurer: Devin Repuyan Secretary: Jared Myers
FCS The next FCS meeting is TODAY, October 20th, at 2:30 in room D2.
College Visits College Visits This Week Tuesday, October 20th- Capital University, 10am Wednesday, October 21st - Heidelberg College, 1st period
Girls Basketball Any girl grades 9-12 interested in trying out for basketball should report to a brief meeting in the new gym Wednesday morning (Oct. 21st) after announcements. Those athletes still involved in a fall sport should plan to come and receive the paperwork.
COMMUNITY YOUTH FOUNDATIONS Winter coat drive is up and running! Bring any new or used coats, hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves to support and benefit the youth and families of Muskingum county. Clothing and monetary donations accepted through Friday, November 13th and the clothing bin is in the commons, directly outside the library.
Pre-Sale Football Tickets Pre-sale football tickets for the Tri-Valley Maysville game this Friday will be available in the main office at Tri-Valley High School from Tuesday (Oct 20)- Thursday (Oct. 22)from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. for $5 for adults and students. Kickoff is at 7 p.m.
License plate numbers The office is in need of license plate numbers from Ashley Green Juliann Guinther Trey Pulley Andrew Sceurman Graham Schaumleffel Lauren Tumblin
NHS There will be an NHS meeting Thursday, October 22nd, after school for new and current members in Miss Scott’s room
A Cappella Club The A Cappella club will meet Wednesday (Oct. 21st) at 3 p.m. on the stage. You must bring the signed contract if you have not already.