EXEMPLARY READING DOCUMENT Do you believe the following statements are true or false? Be ready to discuss your answers.
Instructional time should be a minimum of 120 minutes per day for Language Arts in grades TRUE FALSE
Pull outs are permitted to occur during the reading portion of the Language Arts block. TRUEFALSE
There is a relationship between pull outs and instructional time. TRUE FALSE
The Intermediate Profile need only be completed for Below Grade Level students. TRUEFALSE
The content of the local assessments is not to be modified. TRUE FALSE
Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarks should be given to all 5th grade students. TRUE FALSE
The Assessment Map (found in the Intermediate Assessment Teacher's Guide) is the main resource for guiding instruction throughout each quarter. TRUE FALSE
The classroom teacher is responsible for long- range planning. TRUEFALSE
Materials purchased by the Language Arts office may not be used with Special Education students. TRUEFALSE
Time spent doing worksheets is notably absent from effective classrooms. TRUEFALSE
All Below Grade Level students should receive 1 hour of additional reading instruction outside the classroom. TRUE FALSE
Only the Reading Specialist is permitted to administer the Benchmark Assessment System. TRUEFALSE