Overview of ACTEL Susan Hoyler Document No: GSC16-OBS-04 Source: IEC ACTEL Contact: Susan Hoyler GSC Session: GSC OBSERVER Agenda Item: 2.4 Overview of ACTEL Susan Hoyler International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Advisory Committee on Telecommunications* (ACTEL) *formerly known as Sector Board 4, Infrastructure of Telecommunications Networks
Global Standards Arena Global Standards Bodies Global Standards Bodies Regional Standards Bodies IEC COPANT PASC National Standards Bodies GOST JTC1 BSI Other ETSI DGN SCC CANENA ITU T D R CESI AFNOR JISC DIN ANSI ECMA ISO CEN/ CENELEC ICAITI US Based SSOs IEEE ASTM SAE INCITS NFPA TIA ASME NEMA NSF API etc.
Overall Landscape International Standards for ICT 5
International SSO Landscape ASTM ISO (areas which are NOT electrical or telecom, Such as machines, Materials (plastic, etc.); Medical devices, Automotive among others ) Consortia incl. SIGs & Alliances (i.e. IETF, W3C) ASME JTC1 (computers & info tech) ITU Telecommunications (network structure, broadcasting, wireless) T D R IEC (Electrotechnical, i.e. Semiconductors, components, electricity related devices) IEEE NFPA
Simplified Landscape of International SDOs for ICT industry Reproduced with permission of copyright holder from IPO Standards Primer
IEC Structure ACTEL ACOS ACEC ACEA http://www.iec.ch
Sector Board 4 Focus on cable-based parts of the total network, including cable parts of mixed media such as those for mobile communications (for example, feeders to antennas); this includes the connectors and physical interfaces for the cable networks
Sector Board 4 Includes all types of physical media and their means of interconnection, along with the physical interface to the media, installation, testing, validation and maintenance Includes rules of safety and physical compatibility, for example, electromagnetic and optical compatibility, and non-interference (when sharing for instance)
What is ACTEL? Evolution of IEC Sector Board 4, Infrastructure of Telecommunications Networks into IEC Advisory Committee on Telecommunication (ACTEL) Approved in June 2011 by the Standards Management Board (SMB) of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
ACTEL Communication networks form the “nervous system” of the world much like the brain in a body Other networks, those for transport, electric power, water and gas supply, form the “circulatory system” (or “skeleton”, etc.)
Scope of ACTEL deals with coordination activities and guidelines related to infrastructures used for communications. provides a venue for exchanging information between the IEC and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), ETSI, the Fibre to the Home (FTTH) Councils, as well as other technical and standards organizations relevant to ACTEL’s scope
Scope of ACTEL develops guidelines for broader applications of International Standards, Technical Reports and Technical Specifications involving more than one of the related Technical Committees, and examines these TCs’ Strategic Business Plans and work programmes to give advice on market relevance. provides advice intended to avoid the development of conflicting standards in IEC and other bodies
Members of ACTEL Representatives from designated Technical Committees (7): Representatives from Industry (8): Telecom Italia, Corning, Korea University, Seikoh Giken, QUALCOMM, Draka Communications, France Telecom, Nokia Future representatives: China is now considering appointing a representative from China Telecom
Other IEC Advisory Committees Safety (ACOS) safety matters which are not specific to one single TC (Technical Committee) of the IEC. Its task is to guide and coordinate IEC work on safety matters in order to ensure consistency in IEC safety standards Environmental Aspects (ACEA) IEC Guide 109: Environmental aspects - Inclusion in electrotechnical product standards focused on current issues covered by legislation that relate to eco-design, environmental declaration and more specifically to substance management end of life treatment, or environmental labelling
Other IEC Advisory Committees Electromagnetic Compatibility (ACEC) mandatory IEC Guide 107 which provides guidelines on drafting electromagnetic publications coordinates the EMC work of IEC's technical committees organizes workshops to help improve communications between the IEC and industry on EMC related issues
ACTEL extends its gratitude to the GSC leadership for its continuing invitation to the GSC meetings since 2005. With convergence of the devices to the network, there are many areas that information exchange can occur. CONTACT: shoyler@qualcomm.com