Building a Comprehensive Approach Part 2: Using Complementary Strategies Erica Schmitz MESAP: Maine’s Environmental Substance Abuse Prevention Center Medical.


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Presentation transcript:

Building a Comprehensive Approach Part 2: Using Complementary Strategies Erica Schmitz MESAP: Maine’s Environmental Substance Abuse Prevention Center Medical Care Development, Inc. (207) MESAP

The basic model

…How do you build a comprehensive approach? It’s not just picking from a list.

Selecting Best Fit Prevention Interventions Select Specific Programs, Practices & Policies Ensure Effectiveness Identify Types of Strategies Best Fit Prevention Interventions Demonstrate Conceptual Fit Demonstrate Evidence of Effectiveness Demonstrate Practical Fit Relevant?Practical?Effective? From CSAP Guide, Identifying and Selecting Evidence-based Interventions, Jan 2007

Environmental Strategy Components: Collaboration Communications Policy Enforcement Education

Menu planning 1.Primary strategy? 2.Complementary strategies? Activities supported by research to make your primary strategy a success. Activities that help increase community support for your primary strategy.

OSA Priority: Underage Drinking Primary Intervening Variables: ·Alcohol access/availability ·Parental monitoring practices ·Effectiveness of law enforcement

Underage Drinking Logic Model Consequence & Consumption Patterns Intervening Variables Underage Drinking Access: RETAIL Strategies Communication? Enforcement? Policy? Education? Collaboration?

Primary: Compliance checks by law enforcement Complementary: –Resources for liquor enforcement (including training, policy, consistent and ongoing effort) –Strategic use of the media –Police policy to require investigation of underage drinking incidents to address retail violations. –Build relationships with retailers –Training for clerks, servers, managers –Help retailers to strengthen their own policies –Voluntary secret shopper programs (non-enforcement compliance checks) Underage Drinking Access: RETAIL Strategies

Underage Drinking Logic Model Consequence & Consumption Patterns Intervening Variables Underage Drinking Parental Monitoring Strategies Communication? Enforcement? Policy? Education? Collaboration?

Primary: Social marketing campaign using OSA materials Complementary: –Collaboration with local media, schools, parent organizations, etc. to disseminate materials –Community parent forums about effective monitoring practices –School policy to require parent notification and involvement if students are caught breaking the law –Increase enforcement of underage drinking laws, including parent notification Underage Drinking Parental Monitoring Strategies

What about curriculum- based parenting programs? One ME evaluation: “Even with extensive recruitment efforts, most coalitions who selected programs targeting parents had little success in getting them to actually attend the sessions. …Most coalitions will not sustain parenting programs because they weighed the effort and associated costs of recruitment and implementation with the numbers of parents served and decided the programs are not a good use of prevention resources” (p.117).

Population-level reach Testing Tool Who is the target audience? How many people in your target audience will you actually reach? What “dosage” and “saturation” of the interventions will they experience? To what degree will the target audience be impacted, both in the short-term and long- term? What impact will it have on the community as a whole? From Maine LC Day 1, Feb 21, 2007

Underage Drinking Logic Model Consequence & Consumption Patterns Intervening Variables Underage Drinking Effectiveness of Enforcement Strategies Communication? Enforcement? Policy? Education? Collaboration?

Primary: Increase enforcement actions related to underage drinking, furnishing, and hosting laws Complementary: – Community/Police Partnership – Model Policy adoption – Officer Training – Publicize efforts to increase deterrent effect – Media to increase awareness of penalties related to hosting & furnishing (e.g. Sticker Shock) Underage Drinking Effectiveness of Enforcement Strategies

Resources Handout: “ Underage Drinking: Sample Evidence-Based* Comprehensive Strategies to Fit OSA ’ s Priority Intervening Variables ” (others coming soon) 2004 Article: “A general causal model to guide alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug prevention: Assessing the research evidence” (in Day 1 handouts) MESAP training & technical assistance: