Status report of test procedures for the readout pixel chips in Catania F.Riggi ITS Meeting, June 2002
Summary Status of equipment for wafer and single chip testing in Catania Recent progresses Outlook and future problems
Test system for single chip MB-card Power Supply VME-crate with pilot and JTAG controller M-card with chip Bridge to PC
Wafer probing system MB-card Power Supply VME-crate with pilot and JTAG controller Bridge to PC Power Supply Probe Station with Probe Card CLEAN ROOM
Equipment in Catania Semiautomatic Probe Station (K. Suss PA200)
Equipment in Catania Bonding stations
Equipment in Catania Electronics
Software for acquisition/analysis LabView-based programs Analysis with Root/C++
Training - 2 persons from Catania have already spent a first training period at CERN (end of 2001) in order to: - test all the relevant cards to be used - carry out tests on single chips - carry out tests on wafer with probe station - establish a common protocol evaluation
Porting of hardware, software and all that Hardware: VME, power supplies, bridge, PC Pilot module JTAG controller MB card single chip cards probe-card Software: LabVieW Specific software for chip testing Simple Analysis programs under ROOT Everything in place and tested
Recent progresses Remote and “on-site” check-up of the Catania facilities from the CERN pixel group (special thanks to Petra and Peter for coming): Identified and addressed several points to be improved in view of mass production Reliability of probe station (software check-up, other tests in progress) Improvement of organization of the clean room and overall procedures Upgrading of the probe station with joystick-controlled motion of the microscope (request to INFN under way) Possible additional training at CERN
Small improvements Electronics
Small improvements Rearrangement of items
Typical test results1 Threshold distribution (Chip #68) Mean threshold of 18.4 mV
Typical test results2 Noise Distribution (Chip #68) Mean noise of 1.8 mV
Typical test results3 Threshold Map (Chip#68)
Outlook and future problems Start first tests on wafer and compare results with reference at CERN Future: Moving out to the new Department building
Moving out to the new Department building A new Department building is almost ready in Catania and all services (teaching and research) are expected to move out to this new location. Time scale for this operation is of the order of several months Of course several problems can originate How can this affect our specific task?
Moving out to the new Department building The present status of the building
Moving out to the new Department building What about the clean room and related equipment?
Moving out to the new Department building What about the clean room and related equipment? A new and larger (60 m 2 ) clean room has been designed and approved Tender already started
Moving out to the new Department building The new clean room Size of present clean room
Moving out to the new Department building Important: Air cleaning and all basic material for the future clean room will be totally new No need to dismount any equipment from the present clean room until the new one is ready
Conclusions All facilities necessary for wafer testing in Catania have been tested in place. Possible new tests and training periods at CERN A significant improvement of the operations could come from microscope motorization in the near future First wafer tests could start soon Problems related to the moving out to new Department are (hopefully) under control, with minimization of inoperative time