April 25, 2012
Reflect on student sample writing prompts with scoring or -,, and + Discuss next steps in the classroom Move student writing from processing to demonstrating understanding Develop a school wide writing prompt to be scored collaboratively
o Prepare 2 writing prompts with your content area having a 3 point criteria o Prompt 1—Practice o Prompt 2—Bring results and scoring from one section to our next professional development session
+ – Excellent understanding and appropriate use of all content vocabulary Clear understanding and appropriate use of most content vocabulary Some understanding of content and vocabulary, some misconceptions remain Writing is supported by strong examples Writing is supported by examples Message unclear
The majority of your students scored a - ? The majority of your students scored a ? The majority of your students scored a +? What would be your next steps?
- = Reteach the skill to the whole group = Small groups/like skills + = Move on
In your content area, please review the results you brought today and compare the number of students who earned a -,, or + Plan your next steps
Engaging Start Here ProcessingDemonstrating Understanding Once it’s part of the culture Purpose: to provide all students with a nonthreatening opportunity to respond. Students engaged in writing Purpose: to help students “think” through the end of their pen. Students grappling with or processing the content Purpose: to produce a product piece that goes through the writing process. Students are provided feedback in using a rubric with clearly identified levels of proficiency
School Wide Writing Prompt - May 1 st o 7 th & 8 th grade Iowa Core Writing Standards 1 and 2 (p ) o Task: Read Writing Standards 1 and 2, then decide on the type of prompt (argument or informational text) you’d like to give all students at SEPJH
Vote now on whether you want all students to write an argument or an informational text for the school wide prompt At this time, please complete Form #1
In Iowa Core (W.1 a-e, W.2 a-f) Should be presented to students for practice prior to school wide prompt
Brainstorm for a couple of minutes, with those around you, a possible writing prompt that we could give to all students on May 1 st Type your prompt into Form #2 o Argument Junk food should be a choice for school lunch… Cigarette smokers should be imprisoned… o Informational Text A typical day at Southeast Polk Jr. High… Raising a pet… How to get good grades… For ideas, you may Google “Informative prompts” or “Argumentative prompts”
Details will follow … o What class it will be administered in o Grading Rubric o When collaborative scoring will take place o This is just to get a taste of what is to come (not graded this year, for our information, to help us plan for the future) o Vote now using Form #3 Thank you so much! Enjoy your day!