Bell Ringer Take out your O.O.M.M. Ch. 9 – 11 D.E.J. We’ll collect them once the bell rings (5B only:) Glue the Writing Do’s and Don’t’s into your comp. book and read them. We’ll review them in a moment, after the D.E.J.’s are collected Hold onto your Argumentative Writing Rubric Worksheet for now…
Housekeeping ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read to Succeed update Field trip (ask how many are bringing their lunch) ELA Scrimmage Session 1 on 12/9 (A) & 12/10 (B) and Scrimmage Session 2 on 12/14 (B) & 12/15 (A.) Bring your headphones/earbuds those dates! HOME LEARNING: Read Ch O.O.M.M., continuing to pull evidence in support/opposition of statement: People should “fit in” all the time and add 2 entries/chapter to 3-E Chart
Today’s Objectives LAFS.6.RL.1.1 and LAFS.6.W.2.4 I will be able to… Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Produce clear and complete writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to prompt, purpose for writing, and audience.
Argumentative Writing Rubric Worksheet Materials Needed: Worksheet Pen (different color than your partner used) Directions: At the bottom, write: checked by and your first and last name Follow teacher’s verbal directions
INTRO TO 3-E CHARTS Materials Needed: -3-E Chart (worksheet to be passed out) -Pencil -Lit. book
Period 3A: 3-E Chart EVIDENCE (Direct Evidence from Text, or what is important.) EXPLANATION (Explaining the relevance of the quote, making connections to my claim in my own words, but free from personal judgments.) ELABORATION (Why the evidence is important) “There was only one problem: long strings ran through the length of the stalk and they got caught in my teeth … I pulled the strings out of my stalk.” (Page 426, lines 37 – 40) This quote helps illustrate that people should not “fit in” all the time because the narrator breaks away from American culture when she’s eating her celery to make it a more enjoyable experience. True, the narrator is embarrassed once she realizes how peeling the celery is making her stand out at the American dinner party, but this is example proves how quick people are to judge when someone acts differently than the cultural norm. Rather than looking at how she should act to fit in, the reader should note the bigger statement Lensey Namioka is trying to make about society: people should not feel obligated to “fit in” all the time. Prompt: People should “fit in” all the time Yes, people should No, people should not
Period 4A: 3-E Chart EVIDENCE (Direct Evidence from Text, or what is important.) EXPLANATION (Explaining the relevance of the quote, making connections to my claim in my own words, but free from personal judgments.) ELABORATION (Why the evidence is important) “In China we never ate celery raw, or any other kind of vegetable raw” (page 424, line 5.) This quote shows different cultures have different expectations for what is acceptable. For example, in China vegetables are cooked, whereas in America it is not uncommon to eat raw vegetables. This comparison helps illustrate how people should not “fit in” all the time. What is appropriate for one culture, is different in another. In this instance, the narrator highlights these cultural differences, thus showing that what would help an individual “fit in” in China makes them stand out in America. Prompt: People should “fit in” all the time Yes, people should No, people should not
Period 5B: 3-E Chart EVIDENCE (Direct Evidence from Text, or what is important.) EXPLANATION (Explaining the relevance of the quote, making connections to my claim in my own words, but free from personal judgments.) ELABORATION (Why the evidence is important) “ ‘This is a buffet dinner. You help yourselves to some food and eat it in the living room.’ Our family beat a retreat back to the sofa as if chased by enemy soldiers.” (page 426, lines ) This excerpt shows that it is unrealistic for people to fit into every social situation every time. In the story, the narrator’s family did not know the American customs and wound up embarrassing themselves unintentionally by trying to fit in. Lensey Namioka uses the story to illustrate the point that customs vary by culture. Therefore, what makes an individual fit in for one can make the same individual stand out in another culture. It is impossible to fit in all the time. Prompt: People should “fit in” all the time Yes, people should No, people should not
Period 7B: 3-E Chart EVIDENCE (Direct Evidence from Text, or what is important.) EXPLANATION (Explaining the relevance of the quote, making connections to my claim in my own words, but free from personal judgments.) ELABORATION (Why the evidence is important) “All of us, our family and the Chinese guests, stopped to watch the activities of the Gleasons…the Gleasons were not used to the Chinese ways, and they were just coping the best they could. For some reason, I thought of the celery strings” (page 433, lines 274 – 278) As seen in this excerpt, the narrator realizes the differences between various cultures. Earlier she and her family struggled to fit in to American culture and now her friend’s family is doing their best to behave appropriately according to Chinese customs. However, both families experienced difficulties fitting in because each culture has their own expectations of what is appropriate. The author, Lensey Namioka, suggests through her writing that no, people should not “fit in” all the time. Through her look at the narrator’s struggles to adapt to American living, the reader discovers the importance of being an individual. Each person comes from their own background, has different experiences, and should value their differences rather than being consumed with the idea of “fitting in.” Prompt: People should “fit in” all the time Yes, people should No, people should not
Period 8B: 3-E Chart EVIDENCE (Direct Evidence from Text, or what is important.) EXPLANATION (Explaining the relevance of the quote, making connections to my claim in my own words, but free from personal judgments.) ELABORATION (Why the evidence is important) “At least the kids in school wouldn’t stop and stare at me in the hallways, which was what they did when they saw me in my white blouse and navy blue skirt that went a couple of inches below the knees” (page 428, lines 107 – 109.) In this excerpt, the author Lensey Namioka suggests that people are pressured to “fit in.” This is seen when the narrator tries on a pair of her friend’s blue jeans and a T-shirt instead of the clothes her Chinese immigrant mother bought her. However, Namioka is subtly hinting that rather than try to fit in these differences are what sculpt each individual. In other words: no, people should not fit in all the time. There are a variety of different cultures throughout the world, the story focused on just two— Chinese and American—but all cultures have different customs. Instead of trying to force being the same as one another, when the cultures already have different values, traditions, beliefs, etc. Individuals should focus on celebrating one another and that includes their differences. Prompt: People should “fit in” all the time Yes, people should No, people should not
Work Period Read Ch. 12 of O.O.M.M. and add to the 3-E chart for the novel If you finish before time is called: Continue to read Ch. 13 O.O.M.M. and add to the 3-E chart Work on your choice of Achieve 3000 for the Read to Succeed Contest Prompt: People should “fit in” all the time
Packing Up Checklist #1 – Comp. returned to cart #2 - All your belongings packed up #3 - My supplies neatly returned to where you got them #4 - All trash thrown away & paper recycled #5 - Desks in neat rows #6 - Seated silently waiting for Ms. Barker to dismiss you #7 – (4A/8B only) sit silently during announcements & wait for Ms. Barker to dismiss you #8 – (8B only) stack chairs after the announcements