Unit 7 Text How to Get Rich By Li Meihong College Practical English (Book Two)
CONTENT S Part I Teaching Material Part II Teaching Methods Part III Learning Methods Part IV Teaching Procedures
I Teaching Material Status and function Aims and demands Teaching key points Teaching difficulties ★ ★ ★ ★ Analysis of textbook and students ★
Teaching Material ★ Analysis of textbook and students Textbook : College Practical English is for college students whose majors aren’t English.its aims are to improve the students five skills. Students: GradeTwo, basic skills,weak in spoken English and listening, not very active in class.
Teaching Material ★ Status and function This is the first period of text A, an introductorylesson to the whole text. It serves to provide a global understanding of the text.
Teaching Material ★ Aims and demands 1)To get the main idea of text A. 2)To learn some key words and sentences. 3)To improve the students’ reading skill. 4)To train the students’ ability of working in groups. Students are supposed to
Teaching Material ★ Teaching key points 1) Related background information 2) General understanding of the text 3) Some important key words and sentences ★ Teaching difficulties 1) To improve the students reading skills. 2) To train the students to study independently.
1 Task-Based teaching method 2 Discussing method CONTENT S II Teaching Methods
CONTENT S III Learning Methods 1 Train students to study independently 2 Guide students to study English cooperatively.
CONTENT S Step 1 Background Information Step 2 Fast Reading Step 3 Extension Step 4 Homework IV Teaching Procedures
CONTENT S Step 1 background information Teaching Procedures A brief introduction about the book rich dad poor dad and its author
CONTENT S Step 2 fast reading Teaching Procedures Task 1 comprehension questions Task 2 true or false statements Task 3 vocabulary practice Task 4 translation 1234…points group1 ×√√√ group2 group3 group4
Task1 comprehension questions ① Did Jimmy invite the two boys to his beach house? Why? ② Are the two boys really poor? Why? ③ Did the boy’s father tell him how to make money? ④ What did the boys do to make money? ⑤ Was his father disappointed with their actions?
Task 2 true or false statements ① ____Jimmy didn’t invite the two boys because he thought they were poor ② ____The father had told his son how to make money. ③ ____The two boys estsblished a company. ④ ____The two boys thought they were going to be rich. ⑤ ____The father was really proud of the boys.
A: find the words in the text which mean the same as the following: ① a round pipe made of metal,glass,rubber,etc,especially for liquids or gases to through. ② a hard,black substance which is dug from the earth in pieces,and can be burnt to produce heat or power. ③ To turn from something solid into something soft or liquid,or to cause something to do this. ④ To shake slightly because you are cold,or because you feel very afraid, angry,excited etc. ⑤ To suggest or think of an idea or plan. B:explain the underlined words in English. ① “They did?” My dad asked incredulously. ② With puzzled looks, most adults consented with a smile. ③ He gently explained what the word “counterfeit” meant. ④ “Yup,”said Mike,grinning and nodding his head. ⑤ Keep going.Don’t quit. ⑥ Cautiously, I pulled up the top half of the plaster mold and a lead nickel fell out. Task 3 vocabulary
① We spent all morning coming up with ideas on how to make money.finally, that afternoon,a bolt of lightning came through our heads. ② As he and his friend got closer, they saw a steel pot sitting on top of the coals,with thetoothpaste tubes being melted down. ③ My dad’s friend turned and burst into laughter. ④ …in front of him were two little boys covered with white dust and smiling from ear to ear. ⑤ You’re only poor if you give up,the most important thing is that you did something. Most people only talk and dream of getting rich.You’ve done something.I’m very proud of the two of you. Task 4 translation
CONTENT S Step 3 extension Learning about American coins Teaching Procedures penny nickel dime quarter half dollar
CONTENT S Teaching Procedures Step 4 homework Write a summary about text A
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