Heading Home Ramsey Logic Model
Homelessness The inability to obtain or maintain a stable, safe, and affordable place to live Place to live - A space where one has desired autonomy and can return to without restriction Safe - Secure and free from harm, danger, or injury Stable - ? Affordable - less than or equal to one third of one's income
Ending Homelessness Homelessness is prevented whenever possible or is otherwise a rare, brief, and non-recurring experience homelessness/
Ending Homelessness (cont…) Quickly identify and engage people at-risk of and experiencing homelessness Intervene to prevent the loss of housing and divert people from entering the homelessness services system Provide immediate access to shelter and crisis services, without barriers to entry, while permanent stable housing and appropriate supports are being secured When homelessness does occur, quickly connect people to housing assistance and services—tailored to their unique needs and strengths—to help them achieve and maintain stable housing Provide continuous services for those who need long-term support Communal adoption of the goal to end homelessness
HHR Logic Model Summary from Guiding Culture For HHR and Community Equity, Efficient, Effective, Equality, Citizen Respect, Common Good Last updated by MH 10/9/15 – duplications are intentional Overarching Goals for Clients served by the HHR Housing Homeless End HL --- don’t have a home Not on streets, staying alive Housing stability, Housing stability, Safe Hsg Varied Hsg Capacity Reduce chronic HL Reduce Youth HL Ability to Flourish with choice End warehouse as a solution Acceptable standard of living Overarching Goals for Advocacy to Society outside of HHR Comm engagement, Public Will Broader Comm help Inspire Comm how to be involved Recognize Hsg needs Return on Investment, cost of inaction Money - Create hsg for whole comm Comm create capacity Availability of affordable hsg Increase housing stock Varied Hsg Capacity Childhood development Income, education Improve health Prevention Philosophy of Service for HHR Community Connectedness Understanding all variety of client populations* Reduce-End racial/ cultural disparities Public Will, Hope Civic Pride Choice Acceptable standard of living Prevention Hsg First Model Effective response to low-income hsg needs HL is a symptom of society failures Tools and Structures to reach goals Reduce Geographic barriers/ gov’t jurisdiction Risk of HL Tool -- Educate Comm Open data system Coordinated entry— easy access well publicized Programs and Best Practices to Reach Goals Landlord recruitment/for profit Reduce Geographic barriers gov’t jurisdiction Keep Hsg Working with HL to bring to hsg Recovery from trauma, legal issues Increased access to stability and success—tenant navigator Crisis Response * Refugees Tribal nations Asian African American Mental illness Chemical Health [Latinos, LGBTQ, disabled, unaccompanied youth] HL = Homeless, Hsg = Housing, Comm = Community, HHR = Heading Home Ramsey [ ] = Not recorded at meeting but may have been mentioned or implied
End Homelessness In Ramsey County Improve service provision to align with goals Provide services which meet client needs Increase Housing Capacity that is safe, stable and affordable Increase informed community support of homeless initiatives Prevent people from becoming homeless Increase funding for services End Veteran Homelessness End Chronic Homelessness End Youth Homelessness End Family Homelessness End Single Adult Homelessness End Long Term Homelessness End Mentally Ill Homelessness End Chemically Dependent Homelessness Goal Objectives Outcomes Equity Efficiency Respect Choice Accountability Interim Outcomes Make service continuum more efficient/effective Increase and enforce accountability measures Increase community awareness of HHR and homeless population Increase community engagement in homeless initiatives Increase number of landlords renting to homeless population Increase affordable housing stock Increase supportive housing stock