Helping Homeless Youth Succeed in School McKinney Vento Program (Families In Transition) – FIT Michelle Cornish and Vicki Denstaedt
Questions to start... Who are you?/Where are you from? How much do you know about McKinney Vento? What do you need to know?
What is McKinney Vento? Federal law that removes barriers to education for students who are homeless. Homelessness is defined as: Children and youth who lack a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence:
Who are Homeless Children and Youth under the McKinney-Vento Act Experiencing homelessness: ▪Makeshift arrangements “doubled up” ▪Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, etc ▪Emergency Homeless or Transitional Shelters ▪Foster care (within six months) ▪Cars, parks, abandoned buildings, etc. ▪Migratory children living in above circumstances ▪Unaccompanied youth living without parents or adult supervision
Homelessness In the school year - 1,065,794 homeless children & youth were enrolled in public schools. –57% increase since school year (3 year cycle of grant). MDE estimates that 2% of school aged children will find themselves “homeless” during any given school year Census Estimated population of school aged youth in APS to be 6,618 (2% = 132). – there was 4,036 enrolled through 12th (2% = 81). Increasing with the closure of BAA – 245 –182 in Alpena Public Schools enrolled in APS (2% = 82) in first 5 weeks 78 registered
What does McKinney Vento do? M-V Grant assists with: –Tutoring/Instructional Support –Medical Referrals –Transportation (to “School of Origin”) –Early Childhood Programs –Participation in School Activities –Counseling Referrals –Clothing/School Supplies –Emergency Assistance –Graduating Senior Yearbook/Cap and Tassel, etc. AWARENESS
Where do you start? Identification of students immediate enrollment referral enrollment form staff awareness
How do you help kids? 1.Free Meal status/Paid outstanding bills 2.Transportation--Keeping kids in school of origin 3.Supplies/Food 4.Connection to other services
Other job responsibilities Schedules reports on your calendar Conduct ongoing awareness: Staff sensitivity training-administrators, teachers, & secretaries Bus drivers Board of Education F/U with students previously registered
Deadlines/Dates Start of school year - begin enrolling new students September - Special Pops Conference Oct/Nov - Regional Meeting
Deadlines/Dates Self-Assessment --December 15 --completed in GEMS Needs Assessment --completed in MEGS+ --due at the end of the school year
Who can help? Resources? Other Liaisons/Grant Coordinators State Level: Susan Whitner (Region 1) Pam Kies-Lowe (State Coordinator) Webpage: