Home Enhancement Suite Nathan Irvin, William Bouchonnet, Daniel Sabo, Allen Humphreys
Summary The Home Enhancement Suite is a package that will control various aspects of a room in an autonomous fashion when a user is recognized through RFID. Currently, there are home automation kits available, but generally these do not incorporate different settings for different people. The Home Enhancement Suite will allow a user to automate the lighting as well as set up an HDMI product, such as a television, to their favorite channel and volume.
Updated PSSCs An ability to detect a user based on RFID and determine which user has priority, displaying the user's identity on an LCD An ability to adjust the light intensity to match a user’s settings through X10 protocol An ability to adjust a television set or other HDMI device using CEC- HDMI protocol, to a user's preferred settings. (ON/OFF, Channel, Volume) An ability to unlock a door when an acceptable RFID is present An ability to select/set preferred settings through a computer program and the ability to save the "light settings" with the press of a button.
Block Diagram micro PLIX RJ-11 PL 513 Transmitter AC Outlet X10 Power Supply +5 USBHUBRFID Reader s spi +3.3 mini Ambient Light Sensor ethernet(on-chip) ADC USB CEC-HDMI I/O electricstrike (door lock) I/O LCD spi user save I/O
Major Constraints Cost - Would like to stay under the market price for similar equipment, which is relatively expensive. Ideally, <$250 for each unit including all necessary peripherals Variability - Accept many user profiles such that the system is not limited for a large group of people Efficient - Although not a primary concern, the concept of home automation lends to a “green” initiative and therefore the system should be conscientious of this.
Computation Requirements Identify user Display active profile on LCD Access profile System will be connected via Ethernet to a PC Initiate proper protocols X-10CEC-HDMI
Interface Requirements Up to 3 RFID readers connected via USB Connect to a PL513 X-10 transmitter via RJ-11 Connect to a PC via Ethernet Connect to an electric strike for operating the door lock Most likely through a 2-pin header
On-Chip Peripherals Ethernet (1) Used for connection to PC USB (1) Will connect to a HUB controller expanding total USB availability to 4, of which 3 are required SPI (2) Interfacing with the PLIX LCD General Purpose I/O (3) Electric strike signal, CEC comm., “user save” ADC (1) Ambient light sensor
Off-Chip Peripherals Serial PLIX - communicates the X-10 protocol to the PL513 PL X-10 transmitter connected to AC USB hub controller IC - Expands the on-chip USB to 4 downline RFID reader modules - connected via USB to main PCB Electric strike - Locking mechanism
Power Constraints Everything will be powered by A.C. There will be an on-board power supply to provide the appropriate DC signals and necessary current to the electric strike when triggerd Both a 5V and 3.3V regulator will be used as cost is not a major concern and the system should be as efficient as possible
Packaging Constraints There are no major constraints Overall the unit should be unobtrusive and fit on a typical desk top or entertainment stand The system is not portable and therefore weight and stability are not of primary concern
Cost Constraints There are no other systems currently available that perform this exact set of tasks. Other systems tend to include more things (temperature, surveillance, irrigation), but they also require the purchase of additional modules adding up to well over $1000 for basic functionality The goal is that the Suite remain much less for the included functions. <$250 per unit
Component Selection Microcontroller (must meet previously mentioned On- Chip requirements) PIC32MX664F064L Ethernet, USB, 4 SPI, 16 A/D, 85 I/O, Internal Oscillator, 512k Flash, 64k RAM AT32UC3A0512 Ethernet, USB, 6 SPI, 8 A/D, 109 I/O, Internal Oscillator, 512k Flash, 64k RAM
Component Selection continued PLIX - only available through Micromint Ambient Light Sensor Vishay -- TEMT6000(larger size) or TEMT6200 Both have similar characteristics, but footprint is different USB Controller IC (TI)-TUSB2046B (more readily available) (Atmel)-AT43301 Both utilize 1 upstream USB to create 4 downstream