My Research Project:: Michelle Obama By: Simeon Chimbanda.


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Presentation transcript:

My Research Project:: Michelle Obama By: Simeon Chimbanda

FULLNAME: Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama. BIRTH: January, Chicago, Illinois [African American]. Michelle Obama lived with her two parents Frasier and Marian Robinson, along with her brother Craig Robinson. They lived in a 1 bedroom apt. her and her brother both slept in the living room, but split it in half to have there space. t

 Michelle grew up wit both of her parents.  She went to Whitney M. school.  She also followed her brother to Princeton university.  Her roommates parents thought that "it wasn’t right for a black person to be in a dorm with a white person.”  The next day her father died of sclerosis.  During the years of 1992 Michelle and Barack Obama got married. [Hudson 26].

What made her famous 1:: Michelle Obama She had had her first audience was by her husbands side at the democratic party during the year of She was a lawyer that also worked aside the mayor of Chicago. Michelle won people over with her honesty and generosity. Politicians didn’t really like her honesty and jokes.

 Michelle is self-made person, because she has taken her parents advice, helped others, and has been so grateful in her life.  During 2007 back her own professional wok attend to family and campaign obligations during Obama's run for president.  She became the first African-American lady with Obama's inauguration Jan 20 th,  She was also a community outreach worker.  She headed a career training program for young adults.

Change in society1:: Michelle Obama  Michelle has been and still is a role model to others in need, she really has been taking advantage of being the first lady by helping others, saving lives keeping people healthy, and setting up children's programs.  On Disney channel she has encouraged kids to be healthy and to stay alive.

Change in society 2:: Michelle Obama

1Internet: “Michelle Obama the white house.” white np, nd. Web. 19 Nov Magazine: Lowa, Mira. “ can Michelle Obama save the democratic from disaster?” jet. November 1951: Internet :“democratic officials defends Michelle Obama Spain trip.” my jet Publishing Comp[any, web. 19 Nov Internet: woman's history.” Contemporary blackbiography,2007.web. 19 Nov Internet: “Michelle Obama biography” biography. com. np, nd. Web. 21 Nov Internet:“ profile of Michelle Obama.” woman issues. np, nd. Web. 21 Nov Book: Hudson, Amanda. Michelle Obama people we should know. Pleasantville: Gareth Stevens inc Internet: “ Michelle Obama.” Np, nd. Web. 24 Nov