Buying Recycled and Environmentally Preferable Products Sarah Ketchem NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (919) ;
buying recycled purchasing products that contain materials diverted from the solid waste stream environmentally preferable procurement purchasing goods and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment in their manufacture, use, and disposal when compared to other goods and services that serve the same purpose
Collections Reuse/Buying Recycled Manufacturing
Benefits of Buying Recycled Creates markets Saves landfill space Drives market demand Conserves resources and energy Creates jobs Good PR Saves money
What Are the Perceived Obstacles to Buying Recycled? rice uality vailabilityPQA
Economies of Scale PriceQuality Time/Demand
Making it Happen Utilize State Contracts/Buy bulk Life-cycle Costing Waste Prevention Programs Conduct Competitive Bids
Why Purchase from State Term Contracts? 1. Less paperwork and documentation 2. Purchases comply with state regulations 3. Competition requirements are met 4.Fair and reasonable pricing 5.Bulk pricing 6.Saves resources
Products Available à060E: Retread Tires à207A: Laser Toner Cartridges (mandatory) à615: General Office Supplies à600B: Remanufactured Copiers à640A: Tissue & Paper Towels à645A: Office Paper & Envelopes à200A: Angelica Ecoscrubs ® à405J: Re-refined oil à070J: Alternative Fuel Vehicles à655A: Cameras (Digital)
State Buy Recycled Initiatives
Life Cycle Costing Maintenance Costs? Replacement costs? Disposal Costs?
How much paper do we use? Waste Prevention
Use Less, Save More Total paper used = 50 cases Price/case virgin = $18.40 Annual paper costs = $920 Total paper used = 40 cases Price/case recycled = $22.60 Annual paper costs = $904 $16 savings Paper Costs Before Reduction Paper Costs After Duplex Printing
Conduct Competitive Bids Find as many potential bidders as possible Emphasize your interest in recycled content Use existing standards Eliminate “all or nothing” clauses
Where to Look for Recycled Products àExisting vendors àState/Federal Contract àInternet resources àTrade exhibitions and shows àThe Official Recycled Products Guide
So…How are we doing?
$43,510,743 84% 20% 100% Amount agencies reported spending in Percent purchased with recycled content Goal for 2001 Increase in purchases from prior year Recycled Paper Match Game
State Agency Purchase of Recycled Paper Products Fiscal Years to
State Agency Purchases of Non-paper Recycled Products Fiscal Years to
Areas of Accomplishment Eight agencies succeeded in reaching the 100 percent goal this fiscal year. 14% increase in recycled content paper purchasing No virgin copy or tissue paper available on state contract Training and networking opportunities increasing for purchasing representatives
Increase procurement of non-paper recycled products Increase Administrative Support and educational programs Make decisions based on full environmental and financial impact… not just one time cost. Whenever comparable in quality and price, recycled products are the only items offered on state contract Recommendations
One person’s trash… Do you have a marketable commodity that you are currently paying to dispose? Conduct a waste assessment and find out…
àNC DPPEA Web Site: àNC Division of Purchase and Contract web site: àComprehensive Procurement Guidelines: àThe Official Recycled Products Guide: Information Resources