1 Support For Research & National Identity Snapshot Jim Leous, Penn State Ann West, Internet2/InCommon Federation
2 Discussion Topics Network of Identity Impact on Penn State National Activities Next Steps
S&E Indicators S&E research articles continue to indicate increasing collaboration across institutions in the United States and internationally. Coauthored articles grew from 40% of the world's total S&E articles in 1988 to 64% in Coauthored articles listing only authors from different institutions in the same country increased from 32% of all articles in 1988 to 42% in Articles listing authors from institutions in more than one country grew from 8% to 22% over the same period. Within-sector coauthorship increased in all U.S. sectors, growing, for example, from 38% of academic S&E article output in 1998 to 45% in Cross-sector coauthorship increased generally, mainly due to an increase of 7– 10 percentage points in each nonacademic sector's coauthorship with academia. U.S. sector coauthorship with foreign authors grew in all sectors by 7–10 percentage points National Science Science Board Science and Engineering (S&E) Indicators
4 Circle University e.edu Dr. Joe Oval Psych Prof. SSN Password #1 Music Service ID #4 j.o.123 Joe Oval Psych Prof. DOB: 4/4/1955 Password #4 Grant Admin Service ID #2 Joval Dr. Joe Oval Psych Prof. SSN Passwor d #2 Grading Service ID #3 Jo456 Dr. Joe Oval Psych Prof. Password #3 Home ???????? No coordination Proprietary code Batch uploads Service Providers The Challenging Way
5 Home Circle University Anony mous ID# Dr. Joe Oval Psych Prof. SSN Circle University rcle.edu Dr. Joe Oval Psych Prof. SSN Circle University rcle.edu Dr. Joe Oval Psych Prof. SSN Passw ord #1 Circle University rcle.edu Dr. Joe Oval Psych Prof. SSN ! 1. Single sign on 2. Services no longer manage user accounts & personal data stores 3. Reduced help-desk load 4. Standards-based technology 5. Home org and user controls privacy The Federated Way
6 Institution A Institution B = Credentialing / Authentication = Authorization = User Credential Traditional Identity Management Research Projects Physics Homework Service Shared Courses Library Provider Student Loan Service
7 Federation Institution A Institution B Research Projects Physics Homework Service Shared Courses Library Provider Student Loan Service = Credentialing / Authentication= Authorization = User Credential Federated Identity Concept
9 Why Is This Compelling? A network of identity Vertical and horizontal support of the academy Federal agency funding research, not IT support Richness of privacy support Granularity of access controls International support
11 How Can Identity Facilitate? Research? Multi-institutional research collaborations Access to instrumentation Money Time Opportunities
12 National Stats 202 higher education institutions 5 national labs and research agencies… National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health 72 corporate services Collaboration Groups Libraries, Student Services, Research, International
15 Parting Thoughts “ As our compliance burden and community's demand for services grow, we can no longer manage our online identities as a cottage industry. We have to know who can access what and why and be able to align this with the changing requirements of the academy. ” Jeffrey von Munkwitz-Smith University Registrar, University of Connecticut President-elect, AACRAO Board of Directors
16 Alternative Parting Thoughts “ The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace describes a vision of the future—an Identity Ecosystem—where individuals, businesses, and other organizations enjoy greater trust and security as they conduct sensitive transactions online. The Identity Ecosystem is a user-centric online environment, a set of technologies, policies, and agreed upon standards that securely supports transactions ranging from anonymous to fully authenticated and from low to high value. “ National Strategy for Trust Identities in Cyberspace