Health and Wellness
DO NOW: Write 3 different endings to the following sentence: “To me, healthy means being able to…”
Health and Wellness There are three elements of health: Physical Emotional/Mental Social The three characteristics of health are interconnected, if one area receives too much attention, the triangle can become lopsided.
Health and Wellness Health is the well-being of your body (physical), your mind (mental/emotional), and your relationships with others (social). Health is closely tied with a persons Quality of Life. Quality of Life is defined as the degree of overall satisfaction one gets out of life. When your health triangle is balanced, you have a high degree of wellness: an overall state of well- being or total health.
Characteristics of a Healthy Person Physical Health: is the way that your body parts and body systems work together. Exercise Rest Proper nutrition Doctor Visits Dental Visits Proper Hygiene
Characteristics of a Healthy Person Mental/Emotional Health: refers to how good you feel about yourself and how well you cope with day to day activities. Enjoys learning See mistakes as opportunities to learn Take responsibility for their actions Stand up for their beliefs and values In touch with his/her feelings and expresses them appropriately Can deal with problems and frustrations Does not dwell on negative thoughts; is optimistic
Characteristics of a Healthy Person Social Health: refers to how well you get along with others. Ability to make friends Ability to maintain friendships To work cooperatively with others Ability to communicate effectively Showing respect for yourself and others.
Identify the aspects of Health in the following… James was so anxious about his game that he could not eat dinner and yelled at his brother for no reason. Jill had an argument with her friend so she didn’t feel like working out after school because she was upset.
Write a letter… Imagine you are 90 years old and have led a long, happy life. Based on the three aspects of health, positive lifestyle factors, and preventative health, write a letter to younger generations letting them in on the secrets and details of a living a long, healthy, and satisfying life.
Positive Lifestyle Factors
DO NOW: List three of your favorite activities or hobbies, then briefly describe the positive effect each has on your health.
Lifestyle factors Why do people now generally live longer than in years past?
Positive Lifestyle Factors Lifestyle Factors: Personal behaviors and habits related to the way a person lives that help determine his/her level of health. Get between 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Eat nutritious foods from various food groups. Eat breakfast everyday. Refrain from smoking and tobacco products. Do minutes of continuous vigorous activity at least 3x per week. Do not use alcohol or other drugs. Maintain recommended weight.
Attitude Attitude can play a major role is both your quality of life and your health. Believing there is a benefit and practicing healthy habits go hand in hand. Optimists vs. Pessimists Not what happens to you but how you respond (attitude) will determine your happiness.
Prevention Practicing healthy habits to keep a person well and free from disease and other ailments. What are some examples? Helmets/Seat belts Eating healthy Exercising
Prevention Relationship between current decisions and current wellness. What does it mean? Examples?
Risk Factors & Decision Making
Do Now: How do you think your upbringing has made you the person you are today? Think about: family, friends, where you grew up, etc
Risk Factors Any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other negative outcomes. 3 Categories: Heredity Environment (physical, social, cultural) Behavioral
Risk Factor: Heredity All the traits that are passed biologically from parents to child. What are some common characteristics in your family? Physical Intellectual Prevalence of certain diseases
Risk Factor: Environment The SUM of all your experiences: Where you grew up Where you live now Where you go in a given day Physical conditions in which you live People in your life Your culture Is broken down into three categories: Physical, Social, & Cultural
Risk Factors: Physical Environment Your outdoor and indoor surroundings Outdoor Examples: air quality, pollutants, poisonous waste, radiation, noise, safety. Indoor Examples: electrical safety, fire alarms, school safety, exposure to asbestos, second hand smoke.
Risk Factors: Social Environment Includes you family and other people with whom you come into contact with daily. Family Members: Why do they effect your social environment? Other people you come into contact with… Who? What changes as you get older? Why can this be good/bad?
Risk Factors: Cultural Environment The beliefs, customs, and behavior of a group that are passed from generation to generation. Examples: Beliefs Customs Behavior
Risk Factor: Behavioral The decisions you make each day. You have little control over the other two risk factors (heredity and environment), you have a great deal of control over your behavior. The way you choose to act in your environment has a very important impact on who you are.