Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–1 CHAPTER 12 MOTIVATION
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–2 LECTURE OUTLINE The nature of motivation Needs theories Cognitive theories Reinforcement theory Job design Social learning theory
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–3 NATURE OF MOTIVATION Motivation is the force energising and giving direction to behaviour. It underlies the tendency to persist. It is a complex interaction of behaviours, needs, rewards, reinforcement and cognitive activities.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–4 NATURE OF MOTIVATION ability motivation environmental conditions performance = X X
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–5 NEEDS THEORIES Hierarchy-of-needs theory (Maslow) Two-factor theory (Herzberg) ERG theory (Alderfer) Acquired-needs theory (McClelland)
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–6 NEEDS THEORIES Hierarchy-of-needs theory (Maslow) Theory arguing that individual needs form a five-level hierarchy
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–7 HIERARCHY OF NEEDS Physiological Safety Belongingness Esteem Self-actualisation
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–8 NEEDS THEORIES Two-factor theory (Frederick Herzberg, 1966) Theory that hygiene factors (related to work context) are necessary to keep workers from feeling dissatisfied, but only motivators (related to work content) can lead workers to feel satisfied and motivated.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–9 NEEDS THEORIES Hygiene factors Factors seeming to make individuals feel dissatisfied with their jobs (context) Motivators Factors seeming to make individuals feel satisfied with their jobs (content)
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–10 NEEDS THEORIES Two-factor theory (Herzberg) Hygiene factors PAY WORKING CONDITIONS SUPERVISORS COMPANY POLICIES FRINGE BENEFITS These factors help prevent dissatisfaction.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–11 NEEDS THEORIES Two-factor theory (Herzberg)Motivators ACHIEVEMENT RESPONSIBILITY WORK ITSELF RECOGNITION GROWTH ADVANCEMENT These factors promote satisfaction.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–12 NEEDS THEORIES ERG theory (Alderfer) Alternative to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, which argues that there are three levels of individual needs.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–13 NEEDS THEORIES ERG theory (Alderfer) Existence needs Material and physiological desires Relatedness needs Need to be accepted and to interact Growth needs Need for creativity, personal growth and productive impact
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–14 NEEDS THEORIES Existence needs Physiological (food, water) Pay Benefits Working conditions Existence needs Physiological (food, water) Pay Benefits Working conditions Relatedness needs Relationships with family, work and professional groups Relatedness needs Relationships with family, work and professional groups Growth needs Creativity Innovation Productivity Growth needs Creativity Innovation Productivity Satisfaction-progression principle Frustration-regression principle Satisfaction-progression principle Frustration-regression principle
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–15 NEEDS THEORIES Acquired-needs theory (McClelland) Theory stating that our needs are not innate, but acquired or learned on the basis of our life experiences.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–16 NEEDS THEORIES Acquired needs theory Developed by David McClelland (1961) Cites the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation as major motives in work Developed by David McClelland (1961) Cites the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation as major motives in work Need for achievement—drive to excel Need for power—influence others’ behaviour Need for affiliation—desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships Need for achievement—drive to excel Need for power—influence others’ behaviour Need for affiliation—desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–17 COGNITIVE THEORIES Expectancy theory Equity theory Goal-setting theory
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–18 COGNITIVE THEORIES Expectancy theory (Vroom) Theory arguing that we consider three main issues (effort-performance, performance-outcome, and valence) before we expend effort necessary to perform at a given level.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–19 COGNITIVE THEORIES Expectancy theory (Vroom) Effort-performance expectancy Our assessment of the probability our efforts will lead to the required level of performance. Performance-outcome expectancy Our assessment of the probability our successful performance will lead to desired outcomes. Valence Our assessment of anticipated value of various outcomes or rewards.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–20 COGNITIVE THEORIES Equity theory (Adams) Theory arguing that we prefer situations of balance, or equity. Implications for managers: – Communication essential to assess equity/inequity perceptions in employees – Complementary to expectancy theory
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–21 COGNITIVE THEORIES Goal-setting theory Goal-setting theory [technique] works by focusing attention and action, mobilising effort, increasing persistence, and encouraging the development of strategy to achieve goals.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–22 REINFORCEMENT THEORY Theory arguing that our behaviour can be explained by consequences in the environment. B. F. Skinner
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–23 REINFORCEMENT THEORY Types of reinforcement: Positive Uses pleasant, rewarding consequences to encourage desired behaviour. Use of shaping. Negative Stimuli (unpleasant) so an individual will engage in the desired behaviour to stop the stimuli.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–24 REINFORCEMENT THEORY Types of reinforcement (cont.): Extinction Stopping previously available positive outcomes from a behaviour to decrease the behaviour. Punishment Providing negative consequences to decrease or discourage a behaviour.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–25 REINFORCEMENT THEORY Fixed interval: given on fixed time schedule. Uneven responses; extinction rapid if reinforcement late, or stops Fixed interval: given on fixed time schedule. Uneven responses; extinction rapid if reinforcement late, or stops Fixed ratio: given after fixed number of cases of desired behaviour. High response rates, rapid extinguishment if stopped even temporarily. Fixed ratio: given after fixed number of cases of desired behaviour. High response rates, rapid extinguishment if stopped even temporarily. Variable ratio: given on variable or random frequency of behaviour basis. High response rate, very slow extinguishment Variable ratio: given on variable or random frequency of behaviour basis. High response rate, very slow extinguishment Variable interval: given on variable or random time basis. High, steady response rate, slow extinguishment, if stopped Variable interval: given on variable or random time basis. High, steady response rate, slow extinguishment, if stopped Using reinforcement theory: encourage desired behaviour, be clear on what is desired. Use variable interval and variable ratio reinforcement. Punish moderately severely and promptly. Using reinforcement theory: encourage desired behaviour, be clear on what is desired. Use variable interval and variable ratio reinforcement. Punish moderately severely and promptly.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–26 JOB DESIGN Work specialisation - degree to which the work that is needed to achieve organisational goals is broken down into different jobs. Job design - specifying the task activities associated with particular jobs.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–27 JOB DESIGN - APPROACHES Job simplification Job rotation Job enlargement Job enrichment
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–28 JOB DESIGN - APPROACHES The job characteristics model (JCM) Skill variety Task identity Task significance Autonomy Feedback …can make jobs more motivating
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–29 SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY Social learning theory (Bandura) Theory arguing that learning occurs through continuous reciprocal interaction of our behaviours, various personal factors and environmental forces.
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–30 SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY Learning occurs by continuous interaction between our behaviours, personal factors and environmental forces: Symbolic processes Self-control/regulation Vicarious learning
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–31 LECTURE SUMMARY Nature of motivation Motivational process Motivation and performance Needs theories Hierarchy of needs Two-factor ERG Acquired needs Cognitive theories Expectancy Equity Goal-setting
Copyright 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus 5e by Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma Slides prepared by Rob Lawrence, Victoria University (Australia) 12–32 LECTURE SUMMARY cont’d Reinforcement theory Positive, negative, extinction, punishment as reinforcement Job design Job simplification, rotation, enlargement, enrichment - Job characteristics model Social learning theory Symbolic processes, self-control, vicarious learning