Region Skive Region Skive have 5 different municipalities: Sallingsund, Sundsøre, Spøttrup, Skive and Fjends. Region Skive is a small area which is lying in the middle of Jutland. It’s not one of the most attractive places to hold a vacation.
Dear Diary I have been on the little island Fur today. It is a very beautiful island. I went to Fur to see the earth clay. It was very exiting, to find fossils. But the nature is speciel in it self. Fur is a very special island, even the houses are very beautiful. You can go on vacation on Fur, but I didn’t because I had to go back to Skive. Lots of Love
Dear Diary I have seen the attraction Hjerl Hede today, it is a place were you can see how Denmark was in the past. It was not like a museum at all, here you can be a part in a small village. I tried a carriage, I saw a pig be slaughted, I saw many different stores, and how they sold the articles in the old days. Hjerl Hede are build up like area were in the god old days in Denmark. Lots of Love
Dear Diary I have been in the worlds largest limestonemine, in Mønsted. It has more than 60 km. Underground paths. Some are as large as cathedrals and others are so narrow that a grown man cannot walk through them upright. Lots of love
Dear diary 29/6-05 Today i went to another music festival, called Sundsoere music festival. This is a small festival. There is only one stage, one party tent and there is a lot of booths. In the booths you can by all sorts of things like: food, jewels, clothes etc.I drank some booze, with a lot of people, that was fun. It’s a beautiful festival, because of the nature that surrounds the place. Lots of love
Dear Diary 26/6-06 To day i´ve seen the park in skive, in this park they have a few events, such as first May meeting, small concerts, graduation ceremony. There were a concert with Birthe Kjær, when i was there. Birthe Kjær is one of Denmark's well known singers. We sat on a carpet on the grass, like everyone else. We drank some beers from the beer tent. Lots of love
Dear Diary Today I went to a festival called Skive Beach Party. It was a very cool day. The festival lasted 3-4 days, but I only went to the festival, this one day. The first band live on the stage was Melanie C. That was great. There were a lot of bands, but I didn’t see all of them. I met some nice people, and I had a couple of drinks with them. There were a lot of shops at the festival ground, and by night they put on a spectacular show, with a lot of music and lights. It was possible to buy food, if you were hungry during the day. Lots of love
Dear diary Today i went to the local night life. There were a lot of people, and I met some sweet guys. The drinks are cheap, they played good music, and the tension was high. We partied all night long. The disco didn’t closed, before the morning day. They have 3 big discos in Skive, Road House, Pigen & Trompeten and Crazy Daisy. Otherwise they have, some smaller discos like, Chaplin, & Bobby McGee. They also have some small bars called, Havanna, & Annexet. I didn’t get to see them all, but from recommendations they sounded nice. Lots of love