Conga, SSL and WebServices Morten Kromberg Dyalog’08 - Elsinore
Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’083 Agenda Demo / Introduction to: Conga – for remote communication Secure Communication using SSL/TLS The ”Stand Alone Web Service” (SAWS)
Dyalog’084 Conga - Introduction Replaces TCPSocket Objects as the PREFERRED tool for communications TCPSocket Objects are very general and close to the TCP Protocol Most APL applications only use a small subset of the features of TCP APL’ers have trouble opening & closing connections and handling errors ”correctly” ⎕ DQ makes TCPSockets interfere with GUI and multi-tier applications are very hard to code Conga, SSL & WebServices
Demo: Intro to Conga Dyalog’08 - Elsinore5Conga, SSL & WebServices
Dyalog’08 - Elsinore6Conga, SSL & WebServices
7 Conga - Summary Easier to use than TCPSocket objects: More reliable applications Supports multi-tier, multi-threaded applications very well Supports ”Secure” Communications Many coding samples: Web Client, Web Server, RPC Server, FTP Client, Time Of Day Server – including Secure Samples Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
Secure Communication From version (August 2008), Conga supports secure communication via TCP/IP using SSL/TLS: Messages can only be read by the intended recipient The identity of your ”Peer” can be verified Messages cannot be modified en route 8Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
9 SSL / TLS ”Transport Layer Security” (TLS) replaces old term ”Secure Socket Layer” (SSL) Each user (or ”endpoint”) needs: –A public certificate –A private key –And a collection to ”root certificates” from ”certificate authorities” Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
TLS / SSL – How it works? You send your Public Certificate to everyone you want to talk to You keep your Private Key Secret! Information encoded with one of the above can be decoded using the other Allows encrypted communication which cannot be tampered with or falsified (If you trust the ”Certificate Authorities”) 10Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
Certificate Authorities A User Certificate is ”signed” using the private key of a Certificate Authority (CA) Each CA issues a ”Root Certificate” which can be used to validate a User Certificate Companies can also issue own certs for internal use 11Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
Using TLS from APL... Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.... Arthur C Clarke (1961) In other words: It’s easy... Let’s take a look 12Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
Secure Demo Migrating to UnicodeDyalog’08 - Elsinore13
14 TLS Summary With Conga, Dyalog applications can easily use secure services over the network Web Services or Web Servers written in APL can also be secured Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
Service Oriented APL Many APL applications are well suited to being converted into ”services” This makes them very easy to integrate into almost any modern application Can make IT managers and users of other languages more comfortable about APL We believe that SOA opens up many new avenues for APL-based services (using other peoples services is also nice ) 15Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
Web Services The most widely used mechanism for implementing ”SOA” Supported by Microsoft, Unixes, Mainframes – just about any web development tool Wikipedia: ”Communication over a network using XML messages that follow the SOAP standard” 16Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
WS Protocols: SOAP SOAP: ”Simple” Object Access Protocol (not) Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
WS Protocols: WSDL Web Service Description Language SOABAA AGM
19 Introducing SAWS Stand-Alone WebService Framework Our goal is to make it VERY easy for APL users to use AND provide ”SOA” components Anyone who is able to write an APL function should be able to: –Call existing Web Services –Publish APL functions as Web Services SAWS manages the SOAP and WSDL Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
20 Calling WebSevices More and more Public Web Services are available on the internet The number is growing rapidly You can Google for them... Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
BAA AGM 2008, London21 Google your way... Conga, SSL & WebServices
Weather Web Service Enterprise ApplicationsDyalog’0722
Calling Weather 23Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
Providing Web Services Any APL Application can be turned into a WebService using SAWS You should provide information that SAWS can use to build the WSDL SAWS handles the rest 24Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
MyWebService 25Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
StatCalc fn 26Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
GetStats fn SOABAA AGM
BuildAPI fn 28Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
Calling GetStats BAA AGM Conga, SSL & WebServices
GetStats from C# 30Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
GetStats from C# 31Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
SAWS Summary Provides complete support for ”consuming” and ”providing” Web Services... without requiring installation of infrastructure components like Microsoft IIS, Apache, IBM WebSphere SAWS also exposes a web page as documentation 33Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
SAWS Web Page 34Conga, SSL & WebServicesDyalog’08
35 Summary ”Service Oriented Architectures” can help APL integrate with most IT infrastructures ”Stand-alone” web servers and services are very easier to test AND deploy Now they are easily secured, they may be all you need for many applications (In some situations, there will be still be good reasons to integrate with IIS / Apache etc) Conga, SSL & WebServices
Conclusion Conga and the SAWS framework provide new, easy-to-use tools for ”web- enabling” Dyalog Applicatons Conga is already included with v SAWS is available now and will be bundled with v12.1 in 2009 Migrating to UnicodeDyalog’08 - Elsinore36