Chapter 4: Transition Services in the IEP
Overview and Components of the IEP Development What are the two main purposes of an IEP? According to IDEA ’97, what are the components that an IEP must include?
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Requirements Under IDEA ‘97 What are the “special factors” that the IEP must consider during the IEP process? What are the changes that were made to IEP requirements in IDEA 2004?
Individuals Involved in Transition Planning Which individuals should be involved in transition planning? Why is it important for the student to be involved in transition planning?
Determining and Providing Transition Services What questions should be asked when determining what transition services are needed for a particular student? According to the law, who is primarily responsible for the provision of transition services? Who is responsible for developing and implementing interagency agreements?
Where Transition Services are Needed What activities must be included as the IEP team designs a way to promote the student’s movement to post-school life? What are the impacts of adding transition services to the IEP?
Transition Services and Congressional Intent What does the Committee on Education and Labor expect of the schools as explained in IDEA? What areas are critical when planning for a student’s transition to adult life? What are four of the most fundamental skills that will serve students well when in a wide variety of adult situations?
IEP Development What issues should be discussed when making employment-related transition goals for students? What are some important general goals for students during their postsecondary education? What are some options for living situations after high school for these students?
IEP Development Continued How do students become eligible for adult services? How is community development incorporated into the IEP development? What are the positive outcomes to developing students’ recreation and leisure skills? Why are personal and social skills important to develop for these students?
Tying Transition Goals and Objectives to School Events and Activities What are some examples of how school events and activities can help accomplish transition goals? What are some examples of daily living skills that can be addressed in classes that are typically offered at school?
The Importance of Assessment in Transition Planning How is assessment important in transition planning? What should be the areas that are reviewed as apart of the student’s vocational assessment?
Suggestions for Transition Planning What are some suggestions for parents for transition planning? What are some suggestions for professionals for transition planning?