Transition : is the successful movement from schools to productive adult life. An effective transition process is based on individual needs and consists of coordinated activities in the following domains:
Education is the process of obtaining and developing knowledge and skills, specifically through formal experiences. Education participation refers to the ability to access and engage in appropriate programs, and\or courses, for life-long learning.
Career is a person’s progress in any trade, profession or occupation. Career participation refers to the ability to achieve a satisfactory level of suitable and meaningful work that will provide income and/or personal satisfaction.
Community / Independent Living are the places where people live, work and interact. Community participation refers to the ability to access resources including people, places, services and activities and contributing to the maximum extent possible.
Communication and interaction skills are the processes of giving and receiving information used effectively in appropriate settings. Social Interaction is the ability to competently relate to others, exchange information and accomplish tasks. Recreation and Leisure activities are the ways people spend their free time. Recreation and leisure participation refers to the ability to access and participate in activities related to sports, hobbies, special interests and/or relaxation activities.
TRANSITION PLANNING BEGINS: Good transition planning can start at any age. It is recommended that transition planning begin no later than eighth grade. Some school systems are beginning to use transition planning starting at the elementary level.
THE TRANSITION CONCEPT: The concept of transition is simple and generally has three major components: 1.Coach every student, along with his or her family, to think about goals for life after high school and to develop a long-range plan to get there. 2. Design a high school experience to ensure that the student gains the skills and competencies needed to achieve his or her desired post-school goals. 3. Identify and link students and families to any needed post-school services, supports or programs before the student exits the school system.
A transition plan is developed for each individual student, as a part of the IEP process, that includes annual goals and short-term objectives that focus on skills required for the student to meet identified post-school outcomes. The plan includes instruction in living, career and social skills. The plan is ongoing, started no later than age 14 and updated yearly. Adult service providers are involved long before the student graduates. The plan encourages the coordinated efforts of all appropriate agencies. The plan specifies who is responsible for each aspect of the process, including referral to appropriate agencies, work experience, on-the-job training and follow-up.
Transition is nothing magical. It is answering the right questions that are individualized for each student. Identified outcomes for students leaving the school system and entering adult life guide the process.