November 2, 2015 RCN Fall Leadership. Today’s Agenda Welcome & Introductions 15 Year Celebration START Updates Corey Smith Lunch Morning Follow Up P2P.


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Presentation transcript:

November 2, 2015 RCN Fall Leadership

Today’s Agenda Welcome & Introductions 15 Year Celebration START Updates Corey Smith Lunch Morning Follow Up P2P Innovative Models P2P Enhanced Curriculum Literacy

Welcome & Introductions

15 Year Celebration

A Year of Celebration Opening Ceremonies Timeline Startisms USAPT Challenge Passport Challenge Newsletter Social Media Blasts Social Media Engagement Spotlight on RCNs RCN Awards

KEYNOTES PRESENTERS: START Conference 2016 May 2, Kellogg Center, East Lansing Stephen Shore Dan Habib Alyson Beytein

Spring Conference—May 2, 2016 New changes this year: 1. Agenda 2. Venue 3. Larger Audience (650) 4. Celebration

RCN Spring Leadership 2016 May 3, Kellogg Center, East Lansing Morning Presenters Passport Challenge USAPT Challenge RCN Awards START Data RCN Celebration Montage ……..and more

15 Year Celebration at Spring Leadership !!WE WANT TO CELEBRATE YOU!! We are putting together a video montage about START and RCN Outcomes!

15 Year RCN Celebration at Spring Leadership FOCUS: OUTCOMES / SUCCESSES Biggest STUDENT outcomes /successes Biggest RCN outcomes/successes Creative ways you have implemented EBPs Effective ways you have worked together as an RCN Creative ways you have collaborated with families / community partners? FORMAT: 3-5 minutes – choose modalities VideoPictures PPT Slides TestimonialsGoAnimate

Topic Examples Consider: – Early Childhood, K-12, Secondary Transition – Urban / Rural – The Spectrum Student Outcomes: – Increased Independence – Increased Integration and Engagement – Reduced Behaviors – College and Employment Opportunities – Increased Involvement in Extra Curricular Activities Building local expertise Mini IT or other Training Coaching Models & Meetings Parent and Family: – Family support and collaboration (e.g. MAF) – Parent Training – Use of the Passport – Parent Retreat Meeting Mechanics Community Conversations Resource Access / Sharing Creative Collection & Use of Data

Topic Examples Differentiated Output & Grading Matrix Community Partners Collaboration – Business networks Using Evidence-Based Practices – Visual Schedules & Supports – Self-management – Behavior systems & 5 Point Scale Scripts Use of IEP Process NOTE: Make sure to get permissions for students in videos Peer to Peer Using Technology Special / General Education Partnerships Media – News – Social Media Creative Summer Opportunities Administration Support Self-Determination & Self Advocacy Effective Paraprofessional Support Using the ASD to Student’s Advantage

Schedule of Preparation for Spring Leadership November 24 th – Submit the checklist with your 3-5 ideas to START including one RCN-focused and one student-focused idea Jan 4 – Our marketing partner, Gud, provides “kit”/guide to RCN about producing their “stories/successes” START staff and Gud can be available for questions as you are working on story/production Feb 19 – RCN submit what they have developed to START Gud works with START and RCN to create final celebration video for May 3

State Updates: Office of Special Education (OSE) Focus Areas for Projects: – Demonstrating Academic Growth – Literacy including Early Childhood – Family Engagement – Disproportionality – 2020 Federal Youth Transition Plan

Autism Council SUBCOMITTEES Adult Services Education Early Intervention Screening and Evaluation for ASD Standards for Secondary Transition Programs Education- Based Evaluations Workgroups

Education-Based Evaluations for ASD Document—Autism Council APPROVED Autism Council Link m/0,4848, _ ,00.html START CET Link center/cet-centralized- evaluation-team-module- 96.htm

Recommendations for Secondary Transition Programs

START Newsletter Bi-Monthly

Technical Assistance (TA) Peer to Peer Support TA Application (bottom of the page) Community Conversations TA Application (bottom of page)

RCN DATA WE ARE COLLECTING THIS YEAR Embedded in Priorities / Processes Universal Supports Assessment and Planning Tool (USAPT 2.0) Target Student Data Forms (K-12 / BYF) to use at baseline and end of year Target Student Data Forms RCN Mid and End Year Report

NEW Coaching ChecklistCoaching Checklist

Target Student Data Form

K-12 Target Student Reporting Form Survey Monkey To be used ONLY if you are K-12 IT OR RCN Priority

Priority Changes: Secondary Transition Data Reporting Form Data Reporting Form

BYF Target Student Reporting Form Survey Monkey To be used ONLY if you are K-12 IT OR RCN Priority AMY TO SEND

The Power of Purpose


Passport Extreme Challenge Process  DO NOT JUST PASS THEM OUT  For each passport utilized, complete the Google sheet for each passport including using the checklist ( RCN Winner: % of google forms completed based on number of Ss with ASD

USAPT Extreme Challenge Process # Buildings with USAPT completed at least once in the year

Challenge Leader Board

Corey Smith

Corey Smith Follow Up Salsa Share—Start a Fire! Participants line up around the room by how hot they like their peppers –(we have pics of various peppers around the room and name their group by their pepper heat). Each group (they are now out of their own RCN), using chart paper, identifies 5-10 concepts/ideas from the morning, that could be used in their own RCN. Then have them return to their table and share the concepts from their pepper group (in most cases, you will have different peppers at each table so almost every group will be represented). In this way, the RCN then leaves with many more ways to use the concepts then had they just stayed in their groups.

Peer to Peer Regional Coach Lisa Basore & Sarah Winslow—APPLICATION

Peer to Peer Enhanced Curriculum Carrie Carr & Meghan McLeod – UPAN

EUP Moodle LINKS Course For more information, to view a demo, or to request access to the Moodle LINKS course, contact Jana Benjamin at

THANK YOU For all you do to improve the lives of students with ASD and their families.