Audience research: marketing and theory
Why do audiences view certain films? Aside from the industry’s marketing campaign, what other reasons can you give for audiences going to see a film: Aside from the industry’s marketing campaign, what other reasons can you give for audiences going to see a film: Favourite actor Favourite actor The genre The genre Have seen the sequel Have seen the sequel It’s based on an old film or TV programme. It’s based on an old film or TV programme. Any others? Any others?
Film Marketing Once a film has been researched, the marketing process begins. Once a film has been researched, the marketing process begins. Ways films are marketed in the current correct order: Ways films are marketed in the current correct order: 1. Internet marketing 2. Magazine previews 3. Cinema Trailers 4. Poster campaign - billboards 5. Radio and TV trailers 6. Reviews 7. Stars appearing in the media to promote it, e.g. chat shows
The Cinema Audience The cinema audience is all about the industry targeting an audience or demographic. The cinema audience is all about the industry targeting an audience or demographic. What is a demographic? What is a demographic? What are demographic determinants? What are demographic determinants? –Age –Gender –Ethnicity –Region –Religion –Sexuality –Class
Audience Profiles and research methods Before a film is released it has to be market researched to its target demographic by the industry Before a film is released it has to be market researched to its target demographic by the industry What is market research? What is market research? Preview screenings, focus groups, comparative trends, star/director box office takings. Preview screenings, focus groups, comparative trends, star/director box office takings. There are some films that need little or no market research. Which ones and why? There are some films that need little or no market research. Which ones and why? Sequels and remakes. As they already have an audience. Sequels and remakes. As they already have an audience. What Audience Research Methods have you used? What Audience Research Methods have you used? Questionnaires Questionnaires Interviews Interviews Focus group Focus group Preview screenings Preview screenings
Audience address theories Stuart Hall’s 3 theories of how media audiences ‘receive and understand’ texts: Stuart Hall’s 3 theories of how media audiences ‘receive and understand’ texts: Preferred readings: when the audience can relate and empathise directly with the media text. e.g: a Yorkshire born Muslim woman watching ‘Yasmin’. Preferred readings: when the audience can relate and empathise directly with the media text. e.g: a Yorkshire born Muslim woman watching ‘Yasmin’. Negotiated readings: when the audience do not directly relate to the media text and have to place themselves into the ‘world of the text’. e.g: anyone who is not a Muslim woman watching ‘Yasmin’ but can relate to some of the themes and characters. Negotiated readings: when the audience do not directly relate to the media text and have to place themselves into the ‘world of the text’. e.g: anyone who is not a Muslim woman watching ‘Yasmin’ but can relate to some of the themes and characters. Oppositional readings: when the audience and their life experiences have no relationship with the text and are actually resistant to it. This can often lead to an oppositional reading e.g: a racist BNP member watching ‘Yasmin’ and viewing it as an anti –British promotion of terrorism and multiculturalism. Oppositional readings: when the audience and their life experiences have no relationship with the text and are actually resistant to it. This can often lead to an oppositional reading e.g: a racist BNP member watching ‘Yasmin’ and viewing it as an anti –British promotion of terrorism and multiculturalism.
Audience effects theories Lots of theories on the media and audience effects, many of which stem from psychoanalysis: Lots of theories on the media and audience effects, many of which stem from psychoanalysis: Uses and Gratifications- the concept that audiences use the media to satisfy certain basic psychological needs. Often audiences will watch ro read something to suit their moods. For example watching glossy America dramas like ‘Glee’ for escapism. Uses and Gratifications- the concept that audiences use the media to satisfy certain basic psychological needs. Often audiences will watch ro read something to suit their moods. For example watching glossy America dramas like ‘Glee’ for escapism. The Hypodermic needle- the idea that audiences are ‘injected’ passively with a message. This theory has become popular when analysing the impact of media violence on young people. The Hypodermic needle- the idea that audiences are ‘injected’ passively with a message. This theory has become popular when analysing the impact of media violence on young people. Task: think about your coursework tasks. Task: think about your coursework tasks. Can you apply any of Hall’s theories of audience address to them? Can you apply any of Hall’s theories of audience address to them? Can you apply either of the audience effects theories? Can you apply either of the audience effects theories?
Media Audiences in the online age How have 21 st century audiences used web 2.0 to revolutionise several media industries? How have 21 st century audiences used web 2.0 to revolutionise several media industries? The online age has resulted in a two way flow of information with audiences now having a greater influence on how media industries function. This combined with developments in media hardware (such as the MP3 player) has completely changed the concept of a ‘passive, receptive audience’. The online age has resulted in a two way flow of information with audiences now having a greater influence on how media industries function. This combined with developments in media hardware (such as the MP3 player) has completely changed the concept of a ‘passive, receptive audience’. Both the uses and gratifications and the hypodermic needle audience effects models now seem redundant. Both the uses and gratifications and the hypodermic needle audience effects models now seem redundant. At AS we discussed the Marxist idea of the ‘means of production’ what does this mean and how does it relate to 21 st century media consumers? At AS we discussed the Marxist idea of the ‘means of production’ what does this mean and how does it relate to 21 st century media consumers? Task: use the sheet provided and think about the ways you as a media producer have used new media technologies including the internet to facilitate your production work Task: use the sheet provided and think about the ways you as a media producer have used new media technologies including the internet to facilitate your production work
Websites and viral marketing Film websites can be official or unofficial. Film websites can be official or unofficial. An official website is set up by the distributors of the film as part of the marketing campaign. An official website is set up by the distributors of the film as part of the marketing campaign. An unofficial website is set up by fans wanting to express their own opinions and exchange information with other fans An unofficial website is set up by fans wanting to express their own opinions and exchange information with other fans An official website will be designed to complement the ‘look’ of a marketing campaign, with the same graphics and images used as in the poster and trailer An official website will be designed to complement the ‘look’ of a marketing campaign, with the same graphics and images used as in the poster and trailer Websites are very effective in raising awareness at a much earlier stage and to a far greater interactive extent than was previously possible. Websites are very effective in raising awareness at a much earlier stage and to a far greater interactive extent than was previously possible. What is viral marketing? What is viral marketing?
Categorising audiences Socio –economic Demographics What does demographic mean? What does demographic mean? What’s your demographic? What’s your demographic? What does socio-economic class mean? What does socio-economic class mean? Can you define it? Can you define it? What social class are you? What social class are you?
Social- economic demographics Traditionally the way of measuring social class was according to the job of the main ‘breadwinner’. The classifications are as follows : Traditionally the way of measuring social class was according to the job of the main ‘breadwinner’. The classifications are as follows : A: high ranking professionals; lawyers, doctors etc. A: high ranking professionals; lawyers, doctors etc. B: middle ranking professionals; middle managers in business, teachers etc B: middle ranking professionals; middle managers in business, teachers etc C1: ‘white collar’ office workers, clerks, semi and nurses etc. C1: ‘white collar’ office workers, clerks, semi and nurses etc. C2: skilled manual workers; carpenters, electricians. C2: skilled manual workers; carpenters, electricians. D: semi and unskilled manual workers; drivers, labourers, cleaners etc. D: semi and unskilled manual workers; drivers, labourers, cleaners etc. E: people on state benefits, the unemployed, pensioners etc E: people on state benefits, the unemployed, pensioners etc
Problems? What are the problems with this classification system? What are the problems with this classification system? Doesn’t tell us how much money people earn. e.g.: a carpenter might earn more than a teacher. Doesn’t tell us how much money people earn. e.g.: a carpenter might earn more than a teacher. Doesn’t tell us how much money each household is spending. Doesn’t tell us how much money each household is spending. As far relating these classifications to a product it only relates to the main household ‘breadwinner’. What about products aimed at young people who don’t earn? As far relating these classifications to a product it only relates to the main household ‘breadwinner’. What about products aimed at young people who don’t earn? Some media producers ignore the social class system and base their market research on psychographics. Some media producers ignore the social class system and base their market research on psychographics.
Psychographics What are psychographics? What are psychographics? This is market research based on dividing people into types based on their personalities/psyches. Some examples of these are: This is market research based on dividing people into types based on their personalities/psyches. Some examples of these are: Mainstreamers: people who go with flow and don’t stand out. Mainstreamers: people who go with flow and don’t stand out. Aspirers: They desire more money or a different life and will often buy flashy products as status symbols. Aspirers: They desire more money or a different life and will often buy flashy products as status symbols. Suceeders: they have money and the life but don’t need to show it off. Suceeders: they have money and the life but don’t need to show it off. Individualists: they want to show the world they are different. Individualists: they want to show the world they are different. Carers: They want to save the world. Carers: They want to save the world. Which one are you? Which one are you? Task: for each of these categories think of media products that might be aimed at them.( a newspaper, a TV channel, specific programmes, fave films) Task: for each of these categories think of media products that might be aimed at them.( a newspaper, a TV channel, specific programmes, fave films)