From the profound to the inane
Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/003 Some Background 1
Film roots 130 Ptolomy of Alexandria uncovers the astonishing occurence of persistence of vision Muybridge's experiment with photography of motion begins only to succeed by December 28th. Lumuieres' first public viewing of cinematographe films at the Grand Cafe. Boulevard des Capucines, Paris 'Birth of a Nation' directed by D. W. Griffith is considered to be the first true feature film Television demonstrated by John Logie Baird in London. First all talking movie called 'Lights of New York' BBC begins TV service only to be brought to a halt by the outbreak of War First use of videotape in TV Home betamax videotape cassette system marketed by Sony George Lucas uses digital cameras on 'Phantom Menace' 2004 DVDs outsell video tapes. Youtube launched by three ex-PayPal employees D films relaunched and 3D TV sets in development 1951 CBS broadcasts the first color program on June 21, but only 25 receivers can accommodate mechanical color. Other 12 million see only a blank screen Park Chan- Wook completes Nightfishing entirely on iPhone
Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/006 As teachers 2
‘The use of videotapes has been a common feature in language teaching for many years.’ The Practice of English Language Teaching Harmer, 2001
Digital Immigrants v Digital Natives
‘Disruptive innovations’
Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/0013 ‘Wilfing’ What was I looking for? Admit to ‘wilfing’ Refused to comment
Issues awn factor iewing conditions echnophobia ontent Y C T V
Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/0015 Revitalising materials 2
16 R A P apport ttitude articipation ‘See me!’
286,339,624 views4,577,537 views The power of Youtube
Common techniques Freeze-frame Platform for project work Sound only / picture only Split viewing (information gap)
Sound only / picture only
During: Subtitling Types of activities 2.0 Pre-watching:Webquests - grammar lecture Post-watching: Vox pop interviews / / DramatisationNews stories Publishing Reaction Agony Aunt / Video reply
Types of activities 2.0 Meaningful Authentic Social
‘what counts as useful is increasingly biased towards what can be represented and manipulated in digital form.’ Rethinking Learning for a Digital Age Beetham and Oliver, 2010
Authenticity ‘Most of what we experience in today’s consumer-oriented society revolves around issues of what is real and what is fake.’ Authenticity James H. Gilmore and B. Joseph Pine II
Teacher needs
‘To inform, educate and entertain’
Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/0026 Any Questions?
Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/0029 The real world in your classroom…
Thank you ‘See me!’