One in a Million Lost in New Mexico It is estimated that 82% or 1.6 million are lost. Almost 1 million of these are Hispanic. Our population increases each year by 50,000. By 2025 New Mexico will have 2.6 million residents. A death rate of 732 per 100,000 population means 15,372 die lost. Lost in New Mexico It is estimated that 82% or 1.6 million are lost. Almost 1 million of these are Hispanic. Our population increases each year by 50,000. By 2025 New Mexico will have 2.6 million residents. A death rate of 732 per 100,000 population means 15,372 die lost.
Next Generation 55% of total baptisms in BCNM Churches are under age % of BCNM Church baptisms are 17 years of age and younger. 18% of our baptisms are age 11 and under. At 80 million plus, the Millennial Generation (those born between ) is America’s largest generation.
Church and Culture 8 out of 10 of our neighbors are in nobody’s church on Sunday morning. The Barna Group says up to 60% of the population will never attend our churches. 7 out of 10 of our unchurched neighbors said they would attend church if invited by a friend.
One Prayer: Lord, I plead for your mercy upon me. Give me a hunger for your presence, a purity for your glory and a burning passion for the Lost in New Mexico
New Mexico Evangelism Conference February 29 – March 2, 2016 Sagebrush Community Church Albuquerque New Mexico Evangelism Conference February 29 – March 2, 2016 Sagebrush Community Church Albuquerque