Final Year Project 2 Systems and Networking Department
Overall Assessment AssessmentPercentage Project Planning4% Mid-semester Demo20% Final Demo35% Project Report20% o Presentation for Excellence o Project Quality (only for A and A- projects) 21%
Project Planning (4 marks) Must be submitted at the beginning of the semester AFTER discussion with supervisor. Must include the following information: Changes / modifications from project 1 (if any). Project 2 milestones. Milestones to be completed for mid- semester demo.
Mid-semester Demo (20 marks) AssessmentMarks Attendance + logbook5 Fulfillment of milestones10 Quality of implementation5 To be done between student and project supervisor. Supervisor must ensure that the project is developed by the student (no plagiarism). Plagiarized work should get 0 for the demo.
Final Demo (35 marks) To be done between student and project supervisor. Supervisor must ensure that the project is developed by the student (no plagiarism). Plagiarized work should get 0 for the demo. AssessmentMarks Attendance + logbook5 Fulfillment of milestones and project objectives 20 Quality of implementation10
Report (20 marks)
Presentation for Excellence Will only be done for students who are qualified to get A+, A or A-. Student is required to present and demo his/her project in front of both the supervisor and examiner in order to get their approval to be nominated for the A presentation session Presentation will be performed in front of a panel selected by the department.
Presentation for Excellence The panel will decide whether the project: QUALIFIED to be given A+, A or A-, OR NOT qualified for A+, A or A- Only marks from supervisor will be used to determine the project grade. The panel will also scrutinize the originality of the work If the panel found out that the work is plagiarize or not done by the student, the student can be FAILED
What to present? Project background Project objectives Project scope Overall design Demo the project outcome
Submission You have to submit all the items below in a CD to the coordinator: Report Manual on how to execute/install your project All your codes / programs Only A and A+ student need to submit one copy or hardcover report to the college